Hi,I am trying to integrate the SDK with my actual app.My App is in Obj-c with some Swift 3.0. I implement all the steps in the SDK. But the sdk doesnt show nothing after click or swipe Visa Conn...
Hi,I have been going through Microtransaction Api guide. The guide mentions a product management api to register the products with MTX platform however I m not able to find any documentation about the...
Hello,I'm trying to use Visa Transaction Alerts API. I successfully created a customer a POST https://sandbox.api.visa.com/vta/v3/communities/{community-code}/customers. Now I'm tr...
Hello,I'm trying to use CTC sandbox API. I successfully registered a card with /vctc/customerrules/v1/consumertransactioncontrols and added controls to it. Now I'm trying to emulate transactions using...
Hi all,I'm trying to execute some test towards Visa Token Service API. Follows my problems: 1)I'm trying to call the VTS Enroll Device API. I need the vClientID to build the endpoint, but i...