After finishing installation and testing I am unable to log into a live version of Visa Check out on my website with my credentials. However, I am able to log into other website with the exact same cr...
Hello I'm developing visa direct API, and there are some request parameter that can not know hot to get, including cardAcceptor, retrievalReferenceNumber and acquiringBin&nbs...
Hello I'm developing VIsaDirect and did pull , got tansaction identifier and did push transfer to reciptent, but is there any way I can see sender's fund decrease and reciptent increas...
Hi,Is it possible to take a pre-authorisation on a card for payment and at a later date set the destination account(s) and complete the order?I have an application where I do not know the destination...
Hi 🙂 Do you have an API that lets third parties look up upcoming payments?For instance if I register on Spotify I get 1 month free membership, but will have to provide my credit card information...