API Fees / Costs

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API Fees / Costs

Dear administrator,


We are interested in developing a mobile application that uses part of Visa Get Payment API. The function we are interested is obtaining a particular customer's transaction record and provide instantaneous push notification to the customer himself or herself. We need to find out the costs Visa charges before commencing the project. I am also aware that in some previous thread, the adminstrator advised the developer to email his or her queries to developer@visa.com for quotation. To my dismay, I have obtained the same standard email statement that has been stated in the forum in August, 2016, after sending the email. Please advised what steps to take. Thanks.







Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: API Fees / Costs



Thanks for your continuous interest in Visa APIs. Have you tried developing your application using our sandbox yet? Sandbox is free to use and I've heard really great things about it too! You'll find that once you start developing, the progress you make is simply amazing and when you find yourself ready to transition to the production use of APIs, you can submit your project to Visa for an evaluation. There isn't any pricing information available to you yet because you will need to submit your project for evaluation first and there are fees for the APIs that are in use. Promoting your project to production is evaluated on a case-by-case basis per application, but someone will happily work with you to determine its appropriate pricing when you're ready for project promotion.


Please feel free to reach out to us or submit your inquiry to developer@visa.com and someone will gladly provide you with assistance. Thanks for your inquiry and I'm glad to be of assistance.


Thank you,


Visa Developer Team



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