Button donations in web site.

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Button donations in web site.

how do I set up a donations button on my website with checkout visa?



Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Button donations in web site.

Hi @AdrianaONG,


Thank you for contacting Visa Checkout Merchant Support.  If you wish to integrate with Visa Checkout, please follow the integration guides below.




Visa Checkout is not currently running any promotions or facilitating integration assistance for donations.  Please remember you need to have an active merchant acquiring account to process Visa Checkout transactions.




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Re: Button donations in web site.

Hi Diana.

Was looking for donations solutions with Visa and stumbled on your posts

I have a few questions hope you can help me out
We have to develop donation buttons for 2 non profit organizations in Mexico
One is to aid children with disabilities (masuno.org.mx) and the other one is for people with drug problems (http://www.rescatandoangeles.org.mx/)
We want to know if its possible to add or create buttons like those used with paypal "DONATE NOW" that can be used with your platform since we will be receiving donations from Mexico and the US mainly
Also would like to know the comission costs if they apply to any donation received 
I checked on this site
But didnt found information related to comissions or if I need to have a VISA account in the US or it can work with any VISA account in Mexico.
If you can help me out I would really appreciate it since we need to start receiving donations by the end of the month.
Thanks for your help
Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Button donations in web site.

Hi @Apmmedia,


Are you interested in using Visa Checkout as a donation button? If so, please send an email to developer@visa.com and someone will connect you with the Visa Checkout team, to whom will be able to answer your questions about commissions and Visa accounts.






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