Estou criando um site para uma ONG, e uma das solicitações é ter como receber doações usando o Visa Checkout, iremos incluir outras plataformas, mas estou com dificuldades para gerar o botão do Visa Checkout. Poderiam ajudar, por favor?
I'm creating a website for an NGO, and one of the requests is to have donations using Visa Checkout, we'll include other platforms, but I'm having a hard time generating the Visa Checkout button. Could you help, please?
Thank you for contacting Visa Checkout Merchant Support. If you wish to integrate with Visa Checkout, please follow the integration guides below.
Visa Checkout is not currently running any promotions or facilitating integration assistance for donations.
Please remember you need to have an active merchant acquiring account to process Visa Checkout transactions.
For default Visa not have this services, but is possible is you have the merchante services.
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