I am building a banking app and I want users to be able to create a virtual dollar, euro and pounds virtual card for shopping online and transacting online and they should have the option to fund the card, withdraw funds and freeze it. please which API can I use to achieve this and please any guide line and work through will be appreciated
Hi stevchid, Thank you for reaching out. An agent will get back to you as soon as possible. Until then, if any community member knows a solution, feel free to reply in this thread.
Hey @stevchid,
To build a banking app that allows users to create virtual cards (dollar, euro, and pounds) for online shopping and transactions, as well as provide options to fund the card, withdraw funds, and freeze it, you can use the Visa Token Service API and Visa Direct API. Below are the steps and links to the appropriate APIs and documentation on the Visa Developer Platform.
APIs to Use:
1. Visa Token Service API:
- This API allows you to issue and manage virtual cards.
- It provides services for tokenizing card details which can be used for secure online transactions.
2. Visa Direct API:
- This API facilitates the transfer of funds to and from the virtual cards.
- It supports functionalities like funding the card and withdrawing funds.
Steps to Achieve the Functionality:
1. Create Virtual Cards:
- Use the Visa Token Service API to generate virtual card numbers for different currencies (USD, EUR, GBP).
2. Fund the Card:
- Use the Visa Direct API to transfer funds from a user's bank account to the virtual card.
3. Withdraw Funds:
- Use the Visa Direct API to transfer funds from the virtual card back to the user's bank account.
4. Freeze the Card:
- Use the Visa Token Service API to manage the status of the virtual card (e.g., activate, deactivate).
Documentation and Guides:
1. Visa Token Service API:
- Visa Token Service API Documentation
2. Visa Direct API:
- Visa Direct API Documentation
- Visa Direct API Guide
Example Workflow:
// Example of creating a virtual card using Visa Token Service API
POST /vts/virtual_card
"card": {
"currency": "USD",
"fundingSource": "CREDIT",
"expirationDate": "12/2025"
// Example of funding the virtual card using Visa Direct API
POST /visadirect/fundstransfer/v1/pushfundstransactions
"amount": "100.00",
"currency": "USD",
"recipientCardNumber": "4111111111111111",
"senderAccountNumber": "1234567890",
"senderName": "John Doe"
// Example of withdrawing funds using Visa Direct API
POST /visadirect/fundstransfer/v1/pullfundstransactions
"amount": "50.00",
"currency": "USD",
"senderCardNumber": "4111111111111111",
"recipientAccountNumber": "1234567890",
"recipientName": "John Doe"
// Example of freezing a virtual card using Visa Token Service API
PUT /vts/virtual_card/4111111111111111
"status": "INACTIVE"
END ```
Additional Resources:
- Visa Developer Center: Visa Developer Center
- Getting Started Guide: [Getting Started with Visa Developer
By using the above APIs and following the provided documentation, you should be able to integrate the necessary functionalities into your banking app.