Re: Only Install Button VISA CHECKOUT


Only Install Button VISA CHECKOUT

How can install a simple button on my web?


I need only a button with the same amount, for example

5 usd

20 usd

100 usd



Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Only Install Button VISA CHECKOUT

Hi @elplasti,


Below we have provided links to learn more about Visa Checkout and get started with the integration.  If you have any questions about how Visa Checkout works, or need assistance with your Sandbox account setup or integration, don't hesitate to reach out to Visa Merchant Support for further details.


Visa Checkout includes branding requirements that describe how to use Visa Checkout visual assets on your site, including the placement of the Visa Checkout button on your shopping cart and payment pages.  Please download and review the branding requirements contained in the “Visa Checkout Getting Started” pdf here:


Visit other merchant sites as examples of Visa Checkout button placement and checkout flows.  To see other merchants currently integrated with Visa Checkout, visit:


Please review the Visa Checkout - Things to Know page for the latest country accessibility, technical and financial industry requirements for integration and use of Visa Checkout on your ecommerce site.


The three steps to integrating with Visa Checkout are:

1. Add HTML code to set up the Visa Checkout button and handle the response when the button is clicked.

2. Add code to your server to decrypt the Visa Checkout payload, which contains the information you need to complete a payment.

3. Finally, add a pixel image from Visa Checkout to the last page of your checkout flow to notify Visa Checkout that the transaction is complete.


After completing the above, next steps:

1. Create a Visa Checkout Sandbox Merchant Account at

  • Generate a test API key
  • Create a Checkout Profile

Note: You will need to request Credit Card PAN enablement from Visa Checkout Merchant Support prior to being able to receive full credit card numbers in the payload.  The email address is copied below.

2. Review the JavaScript Integration Guide, and Client API Reference Guide, for the full Visa Checkout integration specifications and details:

Additional button & checkout configurations and payment initialization attributes (V.init code) Field-level specifications/Clickjacking prevention requirements

3. Certification and Production Account Access Once you have Visa Checkout integrated and working on a dev/test environment, contact us about certification of your implementation and creation of your Production merchant account.

4. Go live with Visa Checkout!


During this process if you need assistance, please feel free to reach out for further assistance.


Thank you,




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Occasional Visitor

Re: Only Install Button VISA CHECKOUT

I need help.

For integration