Dear Visa Community Member,
My request for Payment Authorization resulting in 400 Bad Request
Calling API:
"acctInfo": {
"primryAcctNum": {
"panExpDt": "2025-12",
"pan": "4059540001000007"
"cardAcceptr": {
"clientId": "1DLMLAPPKDJ04301701",
"crdAcptrPhn": "1 4155552235",
"pymtFaciltrId": "52014057",
"crdAcptrCtryCd": "US",
"crdAcptrNm": "ABC Supplies",
"visaMrchId": "52014057",
"mrchCatgyCd": "4814"
"riskAssessmntData": {
"traExmptn": "true",
"delgtdAthntctn": "true",
"trustdMerchntExmptn": "true",
"scpExmptn": "true",
"lowVlExmptn": "true"
"freeFormDescrptnData": "freeformdata",
"msgIdentfctn": {
"correlatnId": "12bc567d90f23e56a8f00F"
"verfctnData": {
"cvv2Data": {
"value": "321"
"billngAddr": {
"postlCd": "12345",
"addrLn": "PO Box 12345"
"msgTransprtData": "anyroundtripinfo",
"transctn": {
"eComData": {
"cavv": "0100000000000165FD1F99011589904056830000",
"eciCd": "5",
"xid": "EEC4567F90123A5678B0123EA67890D2345678FF",
"digitalGoods": "true"
"posData": {
"panEntryMode": "OnFile",
"panSrce": "VCIND"
"tranAmt": {
"amt": "51.29",
"numCurrCd": "840"
"aciCd": "R",
"marketSpecificDataIdentifier": "B",
"tranDesc": "transactiondescription"
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
warm regards,
Hi @muley,
I ran a sandbox test today using the VDC Playground tool and got a successful request/response payload. Please see my sample request/response payload below and try to test again. Please share your result with us. Also, make sure that the message level encryption is enabled.
End Point
Method POST
"acctInfo": {"primryAcctNum": {
"panExpDt": "2019-12",
"pan": "4761739001010135"
"cardAcceptr": {"clientId": "1DLMLAPPKDJ04301701"},
"freeFormDescrptnData": "Freeformdata",
"msgIdentfctn": {
"correlatnId": "auditest20180925_016",
"origId": "468352863713348"
"msgTransprtData": "TransportData",
"verfctnData": {"billngAddr": {
"postlCd": "12345",
"addrLn": "PO Box 12345"
"transctn": {
"partialAuthInd": "true",
"eComData": {
"eciCd": "5",
"digitalGoods": "true",
"xid": "EEC4567F90123A5678B0123EA67890D2345678FF"
"localDtTm": "2019-02-27T19:41:43",
"posData": {
"envrnmnt": "eCom",
"panEntryMode": "OnFile",
"panSrce": "VCIND"
"tranAmt": {
"amt": "51.29",
"numCurrCd": "840"
"tranDesc": "Transactiondescription"
"verfctnReslts": {"avsReslt": "U"},
"acctInfo": {"primryAcctNum": {"panLast4": "0135"}},
"freeFormDescrptnData": " Freeformdata",
"transctnReslts": {
"tranReslt": "Declined",
"actionCd": "15"
"msgTransprtData": "TransportData",
"settlmntData": {"reconDt": "--07-21"},
"transctn": {
"eComData": {"eciCd": "5"},
"tranAmt": {
"amt": "51.29",
"numCurrCd": "840"
"aciCd": "N"
Response Header
Status Code: 402 Payment Required
Server : nginx
Date : Wed, 20 Jul 2022 16:26:59 GMT
Content-Type : application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length : 991
Connection : keep-alive
X-SERVED-BY : -74979967z7f
X-CORRELATION-ID : 1658334418_672_1574244434_-74979967z7f_VDP_WS
Content-Encoding : identity
encrypted : true
Content-Language : en-US
Cache-Control : no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
X-Frame-Options : SAMEORIGIN
X-XSS-Protection : 0
X-Content-Type-Options : nosniff
Strict-Transport-Security : max-age=31536000;includeSubdomains
Pragma : no-cache
Expires : -1
Thank you @DianaVisaPM ,
It is still 402, how can we get 200?
Appreciate your help so far.
warm regards,
Hi @muley,
Please provide me with the x-correlation-id so that engineering can check the logs. The x-correlation-id can be found in the Response Header.
Hi @muley,
Are you still experiencing an error? If so, please provide the x-correlation-id so that our engineering team can investigate the error. If the error is fixed, please let me know so that I can close the incident.
Hi @muley,
I haven't received a reply from you, hence, I'll take you off my contact list. Feel free to reach out to the developer community if you have questions or need help.