I've set up the PHP sample codes and I'm trying to use the PullFundsTransaction GET. But I don't know where the statusIdentifier comes from. The docs just says it's required.
I join to this question.
According to documentation
The GET operation can be invoked when the initial PullFundsTransactions POST request has returned a timeout error. When a timeout occurs, the response will include the appropriate PullFundsTransactions link header which the client then uses to get the status and details of the initial request.
Does it mean that that response code will be `408 Request Timeout`?
Will `statusIdentifier` be in the same format as in `Multi Transaction` response ?
Is there some special test/fake data which can be used to reproduce `timeout` case for PullFundsTransaction and PushFundsTransaction?
Thank you in advance.
Hi there,
Happy to help here!
I'm looking for the right person on our team to answer your questions. Will get back to you shortly.
In the meantime, if anything comes up please feel free to post here or email me at visadeveloper@visa.com.
Visa Developer Community Manager
Hey @Mapy,
The PullFundsTransaction GET is to get the status and details for any specific PullFundsTransactions POST request that may have been originated previously.
The PullFundsTransactions POST returns statusIdentifier when call times out.
Check out more here:
Hope this helps!
Hi Alexey,
Will `statusIdentifier` be in the same format as in `Multi Transaction` response ? Yes the behavior will be the same
Is there some special test/fake data which can be used to reproduce `timeout` case for PullFundsTransaction and PushFundsTransaction? The abilites is not there for simulartor data
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Hello Ricardo
What Http status will be in case of "time out" of Pull or PushFunds request ?
`408 Request Timeout` or 202 ?
@Alexey - 202
@Alexey - 202