Hi @alchao,
Can you please provide a bit more detail on the error you are getting? Are you testing one of the APIs on Visa Developer? What is the API endpoint URL that you are testing? Can you please share the request header, request body, response header with the x-correlation Id and response body? Thanks.
Hey @alchao,
We've logged INC10889077 for the engineering team to investigate the issue. Someone will reach out to you soon. Please kindly answer the questions asked by @SLi and we'll add it to your incident for the engineering team to review.
My tech lead said due to compliance policy , I can't share those info in public.
we are contacting visa tech to looking into the issue as well
thanks for your help.
Hi @alchao,
Please feel free to email us at developer@visa.com and provide the information in the email. We'll be happy to help. Thanks.
Hi @alchao,
Are you still experiencing an issue? Please kindly continue to work with Stacey for further assistance. Stacey is very knowledgeable and friendly, and she will be happy to help.