We issue cards and want to enable them with apple pay, we understand that VTS and Apple Pay certificate are involved but want to understand process in details...
I’m working on integrating the Visa Digital Enablement SDK for In-App Provisioning in my mobile app.Based on the guide, it seems that the field should only accept alphanumeric characters without speci...
Hi, I have a question regarding the Error code response format. Each service comes with an OpenApi specification for errors but in some edge cases, a more general error might occur. I am thinking...
I am having trouble adding the path our test server "Domain and Path" in Outbound Configuration menu.Our DOMAIN is https://visadirecttest.peple.com.tr and we will use "v3/payouts/g...
Dear All,Thanks for having time to read this post ! I want to make international fund transfer using VISA API and looking for the series of API calls which handle:1. Security2. Compliance checks...