Alias Resolve Token validation failed Error with Error Code 9208

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Alias Resolve Token validation failed Error with Error Code 9208


I am having an issue when trying to call the Alias Resolve API from Postman for testing as same I need to implement in my Project with VISA.

I did payload encryption as it is done on the example code, the same encrypted payload I am passing in the message body along with all required parameters in the Header, but getting following response.


{ "responseStatus": {"status": 401, "code": "9208", "severity": "ERROR", "message": "Token validation failed", "info": "" }}


Header Parameters -

{"alg": "RSA-OAEP-256",  "enc": "A128GCM", "iat": 1728020139297 "kid": "38XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX28"}


Body -



Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Alias Resolve Token validation failed Error with Error Code 9208

Hey @Sujit,


The error message "Token validation failed" with status code 401 indicates that there is an issue with your token or the way it is being validated. Here are a few steps to troubleshoot and resolve this issue:

1. Check API Key and Shared Secret: Ensure that you are using the correct API key and shared secret provided by Visa.

2. Header Parameters: Verify the header parameters, especially the `iat` (issued at) timestamp. The timestamp should be in milliseconds and should be current.

3. JWT Token: Ensure that your JWT token is correctly formatted and signed.

4. Encryption: Make sure the payload encryption is done correctly. You can cross-check with the example provided by Visa.

5. Certificate: Ensure that the certificate used for encryption and signing is the correct one provided by Visa.


Here is an example of how you might construct your request in Postman:

### Headers
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer YOUR_JWT_TOKEN",
"alg": "RSA-OAEP-256",
"enc": "A128GCM",
"kid": "YOUR_KEY_ID"

### Body

Example Code Snippet for Generating JWT Token
Ensure that you are generating the JWT token correctly. Here is an example in Python:

import jwt
import time

# Replace with your actual values
api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
shared_secret = 'YOUR_SHARED_SECRET'
key_id = 'YOUR_KEY_ID'

# Current timestamp in milliseconds
iat = int(time.time() * 1000)

# JWT payload
payload = {
"apiKey": api_key,
"iat": iat

# Encode the JWT token
token = jwt.encode(payload, shared_secret, algorithm='HS256', headers={"kid": key_id})

# END 


Important Points to Verify:
1. Timestamp (`iat`): Ensure it is current.
2. Shared Secret: Must be the correct one.
3. Algorithm and Headers: Ensure they match Visa's requirements.
4. Encoding and Encryption: Verify the correctness of payload encryption.



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New Contributor

Re: Alias Resolve Token validation failed Error with Error Code 9208

Hi Diana,

Thanks for the feedback, I wanted to inform you that the issue has been resolved after making the change in the Header.

Earlier I was passing the key id as "kid=<<My Key ID>>", which I changed it to "keyID=<<My Key ID>>".

Now I am getting encrypted response, which I need to decrypt and validate.

But the problem here is, I am getting some error while decrypt the response. 

Would you please check this error and suggest what could be the cause of this issue.


While executing [invoke] encountered [com.nimbusds.jose.JOSEException] : [Decryption error at com.nimbusds.jose.crypto.impl.RSA_OAEP_256.decryptCEK(]
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Sujit Kosta