I am new with Visa Developer and before I start I would like to know if someone is currently working in Argentina, referring to the restrictions with the banks and the new taxes added to the transactions.
Hey @SSebas,
We do have regional Visa representatives located in your area, which is the LAC region. In reference to the restrictions with the banks and the new taxes added to the transactions, can you please confirm the API that you're interested in using for your project?
For APIs available in your region, please see our Availability Matrix and select, LAC, for your region.
You can also browse all our APIs using our API Browser and filter your search results to reflect what type of business you are and the API Category you're interested in here - https://developer.visa.com/apibrowser
An independent company authorized by Visa to serve as an acquirer-processor for local businesses and to issue Visa cards through local financial institutions.
Thanks for sharing this inquire with the community, I've worked with a team in South America that's been tinkering around in Argentina coincidentally. Cheers, hope you'll have success working out the limitations.
It was very useful information, thank you salt likit it was useful for my website.