Re: Error in Uploading CSR File in Going Live

Regular Visitor

Error in Uploading CSR File in Going Live

 Hi  @DianaTran-Yee;

When we try to upload our CSR file created by us in CSR wizard button into the going live; we received an error which is "We're sorry, the following error occurred. Invalid input found, please correct the input data." Can you explain why is this error occured. And how can we solve it?


Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Error in Uploading CSR File in Going Live

Hi @Asl,                              


To generate/create a CSR, please follow the this guide. The Instructions provided on how to generate/create a CSR file is in chronological order.


Going Live with Visa Developer Project > Certificate Signing Request



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Re: Error in Uploading CSR File in Going Live

All CSR's are created in a similar conventional organization. Doesn't make a difference how you gen the key as long as you use some place you can trust/and so on. In the event that your getting your cert with Godaddy for Assignment writing service | primeassignment instance, they have a CSR generator as well. Most SSL Cert suppliers will give this administration. The regular name is the thing that your SSL cert can confirm.