Generate temporary card


Generate temporary card

Hello Team,
I am working on a new Flutter App. Actually, I want to generate a temporary payment card with a variable balance to allow my user to pay online like on Netflix, Amazon ...
Let me know which API I should use and also the requirements, please.

Community Moderator

Re: Generate temporary card

Thank you for your question, @ndoye . An agent will get back to you as soon as possible. In the meantime, if any community member knows the solution please reply to this thread! -Cathy

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Generate temporary card

Hi @ndoye,


Visa is a processor, not an issuer, and does not issue Visa debit, credit, prepaid, gift, and/or physical cards. Visa works with issuing banks to issue Visa cards. To issue cards, you will need to be a licensed financial institution.


You can visit our API Browser to find the API products that will be a good fit for your use case.


If you have a virtual card use case, the Visa Token Service APIs would be a good fit. To learn about Visa Token Service, you can contact either your Visa Account Executive, Gateway or Acquiring partner and/or visit our Visa Ready page. You can submit your inquiry through Visa Ready using the ‘Contact Us’ link. 




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