Re: How Pull Push process works and what are the Barriers for it

Regular Visitor

How Pull Push process works and what are the Barriers for it

I need support to understand how This OCT and AFT work. As I understand it, when we use the Pull Push process of the VISA Funds Transfer API, we need bank support to deploy it. Can we use this directly for application. 

Community Moderator

Re: How Pull Push process works and what are the Barriers for it

Hi @Thamira, Thank you for your question. One of our agents will get back to you soon. If any community member has information that may be helpful, feel free to reply to this thread.

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: How Pull Push process works and what are the Barriers for it

Hi @Thamira.


Please contact your Visa licensed acquirer or Visa representative if you would like to obtain a copy of the Visa Direct Original Credit Transaction (OCT) - Global Implementation Guide.




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