Hi all,
I've got an error when calling Matched Eligible Installment Plans API
POST https://sandbox.api.visa.com/installments/v2/plans/match?apiKey=API_KEY
Content-Type: application/json
x-pay-token: xv2:1690949911:da8d3ef8de0a1df1175db21c8733b7fc439e3c7548d4ba61c05d1672873fb7c4
x-correlation-id: S5JAIEFUNBXH_SC
"encAccountNumber": "eyJhbGciOiJBMjU2R0NNS1ciLCJpdiI6ImlIYXZpVF80YWUxRnVfNnAiLCJ0YWciOiJFcFFqZ2tNMHJodDBkT3p1LVRZSDdRIiwiZW5jIjoiQTI1NkdDTSIsImtpZCI6IkdVOTJSN0NCT1lWT01RQjdMN0ExMjFUa0NpN3E4aUEybThOVTBBNjBTVVhhbks1S0kifQ.f_qtPqBg5Juc7ZL2IjP40KKsh5rEbEJYCp4Y7CWNDqs.luzvvllDpOPn7cQj.FEImkKwqCznDeWevJ1m7JA.0aRmcTlE6U2e-ViWcpor7A",
"transactionAmount": 50000,
"transactionCurrency": "AUD"
Got the error:
"errorResponse": {
"status": 400,
"reason": "invalidRequest",
"message": "Request validation failed.",
"details": [
"location": "encAccountNumber",
"message": "Personal Account Number cannot be decrypted."
I'm using 4111222233334444 as a test card number (PAN).
The helloworld endpoint works fine
Can someone please help me?
Thanks in advance
Solved! Go to Solution
Hi, @alex_at_payfurl. Thank you for reaching out! An agent is looking into this and will get back to you soon. If any community members know of a solution, please feel free to reply here.
Thank you, Jenn, for your response. I believe I have found the solution to the issue, and I'd like to share it here for anyone who might be looking for it. There were two main issues I encountered:
Visa provides two different pairs of keys: one for X-Pay Token and another for Encryption. I had to use the second one to resolve the problem.
To test the implementation, it is necessary to provide a testing PAN (Primary Account Number) issued by Visa. I assume that the test PAN needs to be installed into your dashboard or something like that.
I hope this information proves helpful for future seekers facing a similar problem.
Hi @alex_at_payfurl,
Thanks for sharing your solution with us. We really appreciate this 😀