Re: API Change Logs


API Change Logs

Recently the API documentation for Visa Direct API changed in significant ways:

-1 Addition of new optional fields, such as senderLastName, senderMiddleInitial etc.

-2 Concept of attributes being conditional has been removed from the documentation. Fields are now either optional or either required.


I did not see a notification of any such changes and I am wondering if there is any API change log that would facilitate me in understanding:

-1 What has changed

-2 Why something has changed


 If there is an API change log, then kindly provide us with a link.


Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: API Change Logs



Thanks for your inquiry and interest in Visa Direct APIs. Yes, what you are seeing is correct. There are monthly updates on the Visa Developer portal so please continue to take a look around the website. I do not have an API change log readily available for you but the Visa Direct API documentation is public so please do take a look at its updates to see what has changed. Most of the information remains the same with some updates and/or releases that may be added on a monthly basis. 


Thank you,




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Re: API Change Logs

Hi Diana,

As developers we have better things to do than to be reading through the entire documentation from start to finish in order to keep track as to what has changed and figure out why things have changed.


An API change log that we can RSS feed into would greatly reduce this work on our end.


Next, the API documentation is currently lying. How can attributes that previously were marked as `conditional` be now marked as `optional`? In some cases those attributes were optional and in some cases those same attributes were required, so how can such attributes be classified as `optional`?


Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: API Change Logs



Thank you for asking your question in the Visa Developer Community forum. Please see the Release Notes for updates on the Visa Developer Portal, the link is provided below.


If you have submitted the Visa Direct Program Implementation Questionnaire, someone can work with you to answer your questions and help you implement the Visa Direct API into your business project. 


Docs > Release Notes


Thank you,




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