The documents for Payment Account Validation ( refers to Account Name Inquiry (ANI) and does not reference geographical and/or general availability. I note the reference to AVS and CVV2 in UK; but nowhere in the docs that I can see does ANI get referenced specifically. I have tried emailing developer@ regarding this but no reply.
The sandbox test data contains no reference to test names either.
If I send the following to with MLE enabled:-
systemsTraceAuditNumber: '743720',
cardCvv2Value: '022',
primaryAccountNumber: '4895070000003551',
retrievalReferenceNumber: '015221743720',
cardExpiryDate: '2040-10',
addressVerificationResults: { street: '900 Metro Center Blv', postalCode: '94404' },
cardHolderNameVerification: { lastName: 'Test', firstName: 'John' }
The response returns an empty result for cardHolderNameVerification.Result
Please advise the availability of ANI, is it alpha/beta/GA and are card issuers likely to support it or is it enforced? A very useful service to prevent third party payments within the financial services industry if it is available.
Solved! Go to Solution
Thank you for reaching out, @timhuckle! An agent is looking for a solution for you and will get back with you shortly! If any community members know a solution, please feel free to respond in this thread.
Hi @timhuckle,
Thanks for your patience- I will look into this with the product team and get back to you.
Hi @timhuckle,
The Payment Account Validation API in Sandbox provides simulated data and not real-time data. You received an empty result because there's no real-time data in sandbox. Once you move to production you will be able to work with real data.
What are the simulated / mocked responses available for this specific service in the sandbox then? I don't see reference to any.
Further, what is the actual coverage of this service in the UK. For example, a UK bank issued visa debit card - would I expect to be able to perform an ANI against it.
Hi @timhuckle,
Sandbox is populated with sample data. It is simulated data and not current/real, therefore, you will not be able to see the real data until you're in the Production environment. The sample request/response data is available on the API Reference page of this product. Click here for the request/response sample data.
The API is available for use in Europe and currently has four methods of account validation: Account Verification, the Address Verification Service, Card Verification Value Validation, and Account Name Inquiry (ANI). The Payment Account Validation API accepts a primary account number as input and performs an Account Verification. You have the option to have Account Name Inquiry (ANI), Address Verification (AVS) and/or CVV2 Validation done at the same time. The API returns the validation results for each option in the API response.
I'm sorry, I'm going to have to ask again.
1. I create an app.
2. I enroll to the card validation service.
3. The portal shows sandbox data down the left hand side - none of which has an example customer name.
4. How then can ANI be tested in the sandbox?
Hi @timhuckle,
There's limited data in sandbox, hence, there's no data for customer name in the sandbox environment. Once in production you will be able to see ANI.
Hi @DianaVisaPM
Is it possible to return cardHolderNameVerificationResult with match result based on the test data provided in developer dashboard? I would like to complete API integration test in sandbox environment rather than in production.