VMPI Documentation


VMPI Documentation

I am a merchant looking to integrate with VMPI - where can I find documentation and get started?

Community Moderator

Re: VMPI Documentation

Hi @Curtis, 


VMPI API will be launched shortly in coming weeks or so. Till then, please review the attached documents where you find information on VMPI API. 


Thank you, 


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Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: VMPI Documentation

Hey @Curtis,


VMPI is a restricted product. Access will be available only on a case-by-case basis. Please answer the VMPI questionnaire below and submit your answers to developer@visa.com.


Please also reference this community forum post. Thanks!


* Company legal name and address?
* URL?
* Full Name?
* Your role?
* Your email address associated with the company?
* Which countries will your application be used in?
* Who are the processors that you are currently working with?
* Use Case Information?
* Do you have a relationship with Visa (if yes, please provide the name)?
* Are you a merchant, acquirer, issuer, or processor?




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