We are trying to implement cybersource secure acceptance with iframe.
Do you know; how we can do that.
The documenation doesn't show how to setup the iframe.
we have created the profile on the dashboard.
Solved! Go to Solution
Hey @amardesai,
Currently, the only method to properly query the CyberCource Payments sandbox is creating a merchant account directly with CyberSource: https://developer.cybersource.com
Luckily, their site also provides an easy to use method to test their account credentials:
Additionally, here are the following links for sample code: https://github.com/CyberSource/cybersource-rest-samples-java/blob/master/src/main/java/samples/payme...
Hi @DianaVisaPM, I'm looking for the same information as @amardesai, was there ever any follow up on this question?
The secure payment guide only has one small appendix for the iframe integration - https://developer.cybersource.com/library/documentation/dev_guides/Secure_Acceptance_Checkout_API/ht...
I have posted data to the endpoint at https://secureacceptance.cybersource.com/embedded/pay and received some HTML in return. This is a form that submits to "/embedded/pay_load" with an ID and a guid that presumably represents my transaction. If I render the html though it submits back to my host page. How am I supposed to use this HTML to create my iframe card form?
presumably , the payment page itself but I don't know what to do with it. I tried putting it in an iframe using the src
Hi @Suddy,
Please contact the CyberSource support team using this phone number 800-709-7779. A CyberSource support representative will answer your question.