Re: Getting error as Bad Request for VisaPushFundTransfer
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Getting error as Bad Request for VisaPushFundTransfer
Hello Team VisaDirect,
I am sending below buffer to VisaDirect Provider :
Accept : application/json,application/octet-stream
{ "acquirerCountryCode": "840",
"acquiringBin": "408999", "amount": "124.05", "businessApplicationId":
"AA", "cardAcceptor": { "address": { "country": "USA", "county": "San
Mateo", "state": "CA", "zipCode": "94404" }, "idCode": "CA-IDCode-77765",
"name": "Visa Inc. USA-Foster City", "terminalId": "TID-9999" },
"localTransactionDateTime": "2019-10-31T04:32:45", "merchantCategoryCode":
"6012", "pointOfServiceData": { "motoECIIndicator": "0", "panEntryMode":
"90", "posConditionCode": "00" }, "recipientName": "rohan",
"recipientPrimaryAccountNumber": "4957030420210496",
"retrievalReferenceNumber": "412770451018", "senderAccountNumber":
"4653459515756154", "senderAddress": "901 Metro Center Blvd", "senderCity":
"Foster City", "senderCountryCode": "124", "senderName": "Mohammed Qasim", "senderReference": "",
"senderStateCode": "CA", "sourceOfFundsCode": "05",
"systemsTraceAuditNumber": "451018", "transactionCurrencyCode": "USD",
"transactionIdentifier": "381228649430015", "settlementServiceIndicator":
"9", "colombiaNationalServiceData": { "countryCodeNationalService": "170",
"nationalReimbursementFee": "20.00", "nationalNetMiscAmountType": "A",
"nationalNetReimbursementFeeBaseAmount": "20.00", "nationalNetMiscAmount":
"10.00", "addValueTaxReturn": "10.00", "taxAmountConsumption": "10.00",
"addValueTaxAmount": "10.00", "costTransactionIndicator": "0",
"emvTransactionIndicator": "1", "nationalChargebackReason": "11" } }
I am receiving response :
HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request
Server: AkamaiGHost
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 216
Expires: Thu, 31 Oct
2019 11:23:23 GMT
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2019 11:23:23 GMT
<TITLE>Bad Request</TITLE>
Your browser sent a request that this server could not
Reference #7.1ee9ef3f.1572521003.0
Can you please let me know what's wrong in my buffer, so that i can change likewise.
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Re: Getting error as Bad Request for VisaPushFundTransfer
Hey @Yash,
Are you using VDP Playground for your Visa Direct sandbox testing? You can download VDP Playground from the Assets section and Run it. Please try this test again and let us know your results.
I just completed the Visa Direct sandbox testing on PushFundsTransactions POST and I received a successful 200 OK response. Please see my Request, Response and Response Header below. I've included my screenshot for you too.
What I did was that I went to the Visa Direct API Reference page and copy paste the Request from Code Explorer into VDP Playground. Here's the API Reference page -
In actuality, you're supposed to be using your own project's Test Data, so you should test that out too. Please note, that when you create a test App in our sandbox you will receive test data in your App. The test data for your Visa Developer application is available in the Dashboard under test data in the left navigation, this will ensure that you are using valid data that has been provisioned for specific scenarios. You will basically have a table per API that is split into the Request and Response sections and the values on the Request section are meant to be populated in the payload with the intention of obtaining results specified in the Response section.
Sandbox data is limited to what is provided in the Test Data tables and is not integrated to the Visa Network and you cannot test real data in sandbox.
"amount": "124.05",
"localTransactionDateTime": "2019-10-31T15:47:28",
"senderAddress": "901 Metro Center Blvd",
"pointOfServiceData": {
"panEntryMode": "90",
"posConditionCode": "00",
"motoECIIndicator": "0"
"recipientPrimaryAccountNumber": "4957030420210496",
"colombiaNationalServiceData": {
"addValueTaxReturn": "10.00",
"taxAmountConsumption": "10.00",
"nationalNetReimbursementFeeBaseAmount": "20.00",
"addValueTaxAmount": "10.00",
"nationalNetMiscAmount": "10.00",
"countryCodeNationalService": "170",
"nationalChargebackReason": "11",
"emvTransactionIndicator": "1",
"nationalNetMiscAmountType": "A",
"nationalReimbursementFee": "20.00",
"costTransactionIndicator": "0"
"cardAcceptor": {
"address": {
"country": "USA",
"zipCode": "94404",
"county": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA"
"idCode": "CA-IDCode-77765",
"name": "Visa Inc. USA-Foster City",
"terminalId": "TID-9999"
"senderReference": "",
"transactionIdentifier": "381228649430015",
"acquirerCountryCode": "840",
"acquiringBin": "408999",
"retrievalReferenceNumber": "412770451018",
"senderCity": "Foster City",
"senderStateCode": "CA",
"systemsTraceAuditNumber": "451018",
"senderName": "Mohammed Qasim",
"businessApplicationId": "AA",
"settlementServiceIndicator": "9",
"merchantCategoryCode": "6012",
"transactionCurrencyCode": "USD",
"recipientName": "rohan",
"senderCountryCode": "124",
"sourceOfFundsCode": "05",
"senderAccountNumber": "4653459515756154"
"transmissionDateTime": "2019-10-31T15:48:02.000Z",
"settlementFlags": {
"settlementServiceFlag": "9",
"givUpdatedFlag": "false",
"settlementResponsibilityFlag": "true",
"givPreviouslyUpdatedFlag": "true"
"transactionIdentifier": 132596309901876,
"actionCode": "65",
"responseCode": "5"
Request Header
Status Code: 200 OK
Server : nginx
Content-Type : application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length : 273
X-SERVED-BY : l73c015
X-CORRELATION-ID : 1572536881_976_1828420787_l73c015_VDP_WS
X-Backside-Transport : OK OK,OK OK
X-Global-Transaction-ID : 69536f0d5dbb023211a6f77f
X-Frame-Options : SAMEORIGIN
X-XSS-Protection : 1; mode=block
X-Content-Type-Options : nosniff
Strict-Transport-Security : max-age=2592000;includeSubdomains
Cache-Control : no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
Pragma : no-cache
Expires : -1
Content-Language : en-US
Date : Thu, 31 Oct 2019 15:48:02 GMT
Connection : keep-alive
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Re: Getting error as Bad Request for VisaPushFundTransfer
Hello DianaTran-Yee,
Thank you so much for quick response.
I am not using VDP for testing.
I am testing on SoapUI and Its working on SoapUI. I am giving the same request which is given in Code explorer of API references through SoapUI and i am getting proper response.
VisaDirect Request giving through SoapUI :
"county":"San Mateo",
"name":"Visa Inc. USA-Foster City",
"senderAddress":"901 Metro Center Blvd",
"senderCity":"Foster City",
"senderName":"Mohammed Qasim",
Response received on SoapUI:
"transactionIdentifier": 391258056394478,
"actionCode": "65",
"responseCode": "5",
"transmissionDateTime": "2019-11-01T03:56:52.000Z",
"settlementFlags": {
"settlementResponsibilityFlag": "true",
"givPreviouslyUpdatedFlag": "true",
"givUpdatedFlag": "false",
"settlementServiceFlag": "9"
Response Header :
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 273
X-SERVED-BY: l73c014
X-CORRELATION-ID: 1572580612_314_1277238124_l73c014_VDP_WS
X-Backside-Transport: OK OK,OK OK
X-Global-Transaction-ID: 458484be5dbbad04221d38e7
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=2592000;includeSubdomains
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: -1
Content-Language: en-US
Date: Fri, 01 Nov 2019 03:56:52 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
I am getting issue when I am sending Request from SoapUI to my Push API and then PushAPI invoke VisaDirect API and send VisaDirect Request in Buffer.
I am connecting with sandbox using ssl.
I am sending Below VisaPush Request on Port : of PushAPI)
VisaPushRequest :
"rqUID": "BBA00D01-1505-2014-a765-00a0c916cbf6",
"operationType": "D",
"clientDateTime": "2019-08-26",
"customerLanguagePref": "en-us",
"clientAppOrg": "OmniPayments",
"clientAppVersion": "1",
"sessionKey": "278177677377494958515457534851545148432103756",
"terminalInfo": {
"id": "B8-97-5A-6E-EC-D0",
"type": "Mobile"
"sender": {
"id": "salvedinesh",
"type": "userName",
"class": "",
"name": "Mohammed Qasim",
"primaryAccountNumber": "4653459515756154",
"address": {
"addressLine1": " ",
"addressLine2":" ",
"city":" ",
"county":" ",
"state":" ",
"country":" ",
"zipCode":" "
"traceId": "9999",
"amount": {
"amt": "120.01",
"currencyCode": "0840"
"recipient": {
"id": "yashkapadia",
"type": "userName",
"class": "",
"name": "rohan",
"primaryAccountNumber": "4957030420210496",
"address": {
"addressLine1": " ",
"addressLine2":" ",
"city":" ",
"county":" ",
"state":" ",
"country":" ",
"zipCode":" "
"description": "Reason for the Payment",
"retrievalReferenceNumber": "412770451018",
"senderReference": "",
"sourceOfFundsCode": "05",
"systemsTraceAuditNumber": "451018"
Buffer which I'm sending to VisaDirect API :
Accept: application/json,application/octet-stream
Authorization: Basic
{ "acquirerCountryCode": "840",
"acquiringBin": "408999", "amount": "124.05", "businessApplicationId":
"AA", "cardAcceptor": { "address": { "country": "USA", "county": "San
Mateo", "state": "CA", "zipCode": "94404" }, "idCode": "CA-IDCode-77765",
"name": "Visa Inc. USA-Foster City", "terminalId": "TID-9999" },
"localTransactionDateTime": "2019-11-01T03:28:29", "merchantCategoryCode":
"6012", "pointOfServiceData": { "motoECIIndicator": "0", "panEntryMode":
"90", "posConditionCode": "00" }, "recipientName": "rohan",
"recipientPrimaryAccountNumber": "4957030420210496",
"retrievalReferenceNumber": "412770451018", "senderAccountNumber":
"4653459515756154", "senderAddress": "901 Metro Center Blvd", "senderCity":
"Foster City", "senderCountryCode": "124", "senderName": "Mohammed Qasim", "senderReference": "",
"senderStateCode": "CA", "sourceOfFundsCode": "05",
"systemsTraceAuditNumber": "451018", "transactionCurrencyCode": "USD",
"transactionIdentifier": "381228649430015", "settlementServiceIndicator":
"9", "colombiaNationalServiceData": { "countryCodeNationalService": "170",
"nationalReimbursementFee": "20.00", "nationalNetMiscAmountType": "A",
"nationalNetReimbursementFeeBaseAmount": "20.00", "nationalNetMiscAmount":
"10.00", "addValueTaxReturn": "10.00", "taxAmountConsumption": "10.00",
"addValueTaxAmount": "10.00", "costTransactionIndicator": "0",
"emvTransactionIndicator": "1", "nationalChargebackReason": "11" } }
I received below buffer from VisaDirect :
HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request
Server: AkamaiGHost
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 216
Expires: Fri, 01 Nov
2019 10:19:05 GMT
Date: Fri, 01 Nov 2019 10:19:05 GMT
<TITLE>Bad Request</TITLE>
Your browser sent a request that this server could not
Reference #7.26cadf17.1572603545.0
The Request which is prepared in buffer when gives directly to sanbox through soapUI its working.
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Re: Getting error as Bad Request for VisaPushFundTransfer
Hello DianaTran-Yee,
Awaiting for your response.
In order to accelerate can we please discuss on chat or call? Please provide your details.
One of our observation is as per flow explained in previous forum we are embedding VisaDirect API call within our site and it is not direct hit. Is this the reason for getting "Bad Request" error?
HTTP Header "X-Frame-Options" is sameorigin
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Re: Getting error as Bad Request for VisaPushFundTransfer
Hey @Yash,
To follow up, I've submitted ticket INC8748047 for the engineering team to investigate the issue. Can you please let us know which region you are from, in case, a follow up phone call is needed?
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Re: Getting error as Bad Request for VisaPushFundTransfer
Hello Diana,
Thank you for generating ticket with technical engineer.
Below are the details of technical engineer who will co-ordinate on call. He is located in India (IST Timezone).
Contact Sakib (+91 9766663766)
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Re: Getting error as Bad Request for VisaPushFundTransfer
Hello Diana,
Now I'm getting "411 Length Required" error even after providing the length in header of the request
Following is my header,
ons HTTP/1.1
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Authorization: Basic
Content-Length: 1530
Connection: Keep-Alive
Apache-HttpClient/4.1.1 (java 1.5)
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Re: Getting error as Bad Request for VisaPushFundTransfer
Hello Diana,
Can you please send us updates?
We have not received any call from your technical engineer. We are stuck up.
Kindly please revert back asap.
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Re: Getting error as Bad Request for VisaPushFundTransfer
Hey @Yash,
Thanks for your patience. We're still looking into the issue and once I have an update, I'll reach out to you.
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Re: Getting error as Bad Request for VisaPushFundTransfer
Hey @Yash,
Our engineering team would like to schedule a call with you. Please provide some available time slots of date/time you are available for a call over the course of the next two weeks.