I'm using "SearchMerchantByAttribute" service in .net to Onboard the merchant as thats the first step to get merchant detail to onbord them.
Sometimes the service return the result and sometimes it gives me error "This fault was created by Provider Fault" using the same data. Does anybody encountered this error before and what's the work around to prevent this exception.
Any help would be aappreciated.
Hi Crystal,
Confirming you are using the Visa Offers Platform - Merchant API here?
Thank you,
Great, thank you.
Can you share a screenshot of your request?
Thank you,
I am attaching the screen shot of when the exception is thrown, but the code is written across mutilple classes, it's not all in 1 class so screenshot won't be helpful.
Bult just to give you idea
webSvc = Adapters.BaseAdapter.GetClient();
takes care of the certificate to make the call, and
oRes = webSvc.SearchMerchantDetailsByAttribute(oReq);
is where the call to the service happens where oReq has
communitycode = "QAPAYFORWARDCG"
merchantname = "starbucks"
merchantpostalcode = 91355
Hi there,
The request should not be SOAP but in REST - VOP APIs doesn't support SOAP Calls.
In addition, can you send me your correlation id 1 passed and 1 failed scenario?
Thank you,
Hi Crystal,
Checking in, did you need any further help?