Re: Unable to tokenize cards (flex). 400 - Token not created
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Unable to tokenize cards (flex). 400 - Token not created
I'm getting a 400 for some unknown reason with the response of: Token not created: One or more fields in the request contain invalid data. Resend the request with the correct information.
Please note I'm tokenizing a card in PHP just for purposes of unit testing and in production, I'll call the tokenization call from the browser. I am getting a key with no encryption from the flex/v1/keys call and then using the resulting keyid in the next request to flex/v1/tokens with a test card.
Here's my code:
function postData($url, $post_fields, $headers = null) {
echo "\nREQUEST URL: " . $url;
echo "\nREQUEST HEADERS: " . ($headers ? json_encode($headers) : "");
echo "\nREQUEST BODY: ";
echo $post_fields;
echo "\n";
$ch = curl_init();
$timeout =100;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_fields);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
$data = curl_exec($ch);
if (curl_errno($ch)) {
echo 'Error:' . curl_error($ch);
echo "---RESPONSE BODY: ";
echo "\n\n\n\n\n";
return $data;
function generateXpayToken($endpoint, $query, $bodyJson, $secret){
$time = time();
$pre_hash_string = $time.$endpoint.$query . $bodyJson;
$hashtoken = "xv2:".$time.":".hash_hmac('sha256', $pre_hash_string, $secret);
return $hashtoken;
//build key request with no encryption
$query = "apikey=" . $key;
$endpoint = "payments/flex/v1/keys";
$urlCur=$urlbase . $endpoint .'?'. $query;
$hashtoken = generateXpayToken($endpoint, $query, $bodyJson, $secret);
$response = postData($urlCur, $bodyJson, ["Content-Type: application/json","x-pay-token: $hashtoken"]);
$responseJson = json_decode($response, true);
$kid = $responseJson['keyId'];
//build token request with no encryption
$cardInfoArr = [
'cardNumber' => "4111111111111111",
'cardType' => "001"
$bodyJson= json_encode(["keyId"=>$kid, "cardInfo"=>$cardInfoArr]);
$urlCur = $urlbase . $endpoint . '?' . $query;
$response = postData($urlCur, $bodyJson, ["Accept: application/json", "Content-Type: application/json"]);
Here's the output in case you don't know PHP. I outputted all headers, url and body so you can see what I'm sending.
REQUEST HEADERS: ["Content-Type: application\/json","x-pay-token: xv2:1560888060:8f6519676b85116de1f0adac2cc2ff871dbc9ca55c158cfa45cb80f21dc1a369"]
REQUEST BODY: {"encryptionType":"None"}
---RESPONSE BODY: {"keyId":"08ilMatl80QFkvQi2CYrSx2Nrcid9qys","der":{"format":"X.509","algorithm":"RSA","publicKey":"MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA1ErWtCIOSGzGAL2iLv/Lz9M4cWzh/7eu7EBoMXer2Eim7iB0LcmbqzMmhFHtuEgK69ckx1H6U/NM0q7qwleQ066Xt2Hg2CfmMf8wqMX+gOQxkcmeAQ5DhIpSNDv1ofkEqehDuYNpne+sX63f0OZgnUvRXH4aUW0q9Z4I2p4YKU0EEbPZqthG97RTNFtRN9n880nfJgSWixTQJHI5qhi5+fGp7sI/d4tOAp5EGXOGLesZT1Z5hxZ3G2TeB4GOjZgjyNkUE0eonTGVXqyVTus5l+MJ02+eykbotJK0zjlXStNZAuddzDobmt69Chiu2vPysbeAPgplvQlJMDpaac1cCwIDAQAB"},"jwk":null}
REQUEST HEADERS: ["Accept: application\/json","Content-Type: application\/json"]
REQUEST BODY: {"keyId":"08ilMatl80QFkvQi2CYrSx2Nrcid9qys","cardInfo":{"cardNumber":"4111111111111111","cardType":"001"}}
---RESPONSE BODY: {"responseStatus":{"status":400,"reason":"TOKENIZATION_ERROR","message":"Token not created: One or more fields in the request contain invalid data. Resend the request with the correct information.","correlationId":null,"details":[],"_embedded":{"icsReply":{"requestId":"5608880613826310504003","_links":{"self":{"href":"/cybersource/flex/search/v1/logs/tokenProvider/5608880613826310504003"}}}}},"_links":{"self":null,"documentation":[],"next":[]}}
Please note I had to replace "https://" with "//" just so the formatting didnt get messed up. My code has https://
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Re: Unable to tokenize cards (flex). 400 - Token not created
Hello garrettgjb,
CyberSource Secure Acceptance Flexible Token v1 APIs was deprecated, therefore, you will not be able to use the Flex API. You will need to move to v2 CyberSource Rest APIs going forward.
For Cybersource Auth, please use the below URL. The URL on your email refers to v1 which is deprecated.
For more details , please refer to Cybersource API reference page @ below link.
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Re: Unable to tokenize cards (flex). 400 - Token not created
I'm not sure I follow. The page you linked to right above that has the documentation to "Secure Acceptance Flexible Token API". And theres no mention of it being deprecated. It says v1 is the latest.
My goal was to not touch card numbers so I would like to tokenize cards from the front end and send it to the backend. How can I do that with Cybersource Payments REST API?
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Re: Unable to tokenize cards (flex). 400 - Token not created
Hi @garrettgjb,
CyberSource V1 is deprecated and not available for use . The CyberSource Payments documentation needs to be updated to reflect this.
For CyberSource questions, we have an expert team that manages questions specific to this product. Please reach out to the CyberSource team directly using the phone number below.
CyberSource Support