Re: CyberSource Tokenize a card


CyberSource Tokenize a card



I want to explore the Tokenisation Management Service (TMS) of Cybersource and its APIs. I'm currently trying to generate card tokens so that later on, I can detokenize them. So, I have started playing with FlexTokenizeCard API to generate the token of a card.

This is what I have done so far:
I have registered myself on the VISA developer portal and I have created a Cybersource Payment project. This helped me to get a CyberSource merchant id. Using the id, I have then created a CyberSource sandbox account where I have generated a shared secret key. Using the merchant id, shared secret key id and shared secret key, I have been then using the FlexTokenizeCard API through the CyberSource sample java code.

However, whenever I try to run it, I encounter the following issue:


"status":400,"reason":"TOKENIZATION_ERROR","message":"Token not created: One or more fields in the request contain invalid data.  Resend the request with the correct information."



Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?


Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: CyberSource Tokenize a card

Hey @3rguy,


That's a great question. My apologies for delayed response. At this time, the only way to properly query the CyberSource Payments sandbox is by creating a merchant account directly with CyberSource: 


The CyberSource website lets you easily test their account credentials: 
Also, here's the links for sample code:


Please let us know if you have other questions. Someone is happy to help. 



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