I'm trying to figure out how to decrypt the consumer data after getting V.on("payment.success"....)
I'm using Node.js and I used the decryption algorithm provided in the docs.
Hey @julialiebs,
Can you please confirm the API product that your query relates to so that we can provide you with further assistance? Please take a look at our website for APIs relevant to your business case. We are happy to help.
This is using the Get Payment Info API when decrypting consumer information by using the following sample code:
The following Node.js JavaScript code provides an example of decrypting the payload:
const crypto = require('crypto');
module.exports = { decryptPayload: function(key,wrappedKey,payload){
let decryptedKey = decrypt(wrappedKey,key); let decryptedMsg = decrypt(payload,decryptedKey); return decryptedMsg.toString('utf8'); }}
function decrypt(encrypted,key){ let encryptedBuffer = new Buffer(encrypted,'base64'); // TODO: Check that data(encryptedBuffer) is at least bigger // than HMAC + IV length , i.e. 48 bytes let hmac = new Buffer(32); let iv = new Buffer(16); encryptedBuffer.copy(hmac,0,0,32); encryptedBuffer.copy(iv,0,32,48); let data = Buffer.from(encryptedBuffer).slice(48);
var hash = crypto.createHmac('SHA256', key).update (Buffer.concat([iv,data])).digest(); if(!hmac.equals(hash)){
// TODO: Handle HMAC validation failure
return ''; }
let decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('aes-256-cbc', crypto.createHash('sha256').update(key).digest(), iv); let decryptedData = Buffer.concat([decipher.update(data), decipher.final()]); return decryptedData;
Hey @julialiebs,
I'm happy to help you get in touch with a Visa Checkout Partner. Currently, you'll have to work with a partner to integrate Visa Checkout into your project.
Please find a list of Partners to integrate with Visa Checkout using this link here: https://globalcheckout.visa.com/visacheckoutPartners
Hey @julialiebs,
Please reach out to a Visa Checkout Partner using this link here if you have any questions about Visa Checkout: https://globalcheckout.visa.com/visacheckoutPartners