Hi @fredzilla,
I tested with SoapUI and I got a successful response. Can you please try to test again with the below payload and please let me know if you get successful results?
Request Payload:
"searchAttrList": {
"merchantName": "STARBUCKS",
"merchantCity": "SAN FRANCISCO",
"merchantState": "CA",
"merchantPostalCode": "94127",
"merchantCountryCode": "840"
"responseAttrList": [
"searchOptions": {
"wildCard": [
"maxRecords": "5",
"matchIndicators": "true",
"matchScore": "true",
"proximity": [
"header": {
"requestMessageId": "Request_001",
"startIndex": "0",
"messageDateTime": "2019-07-11T20:14:40.903"
Successful Response:
{"merchantSearchServiceResponse": {
"response": [ {
"responseValues": {
"visaStoreName": "STARBUCKS STORE",
"visaMerchantName": "STARBUCKS",
"visaEnterpriseName": "STARBUCKS",
"merchantCategoryCodeDesc": ["FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS"],
"primaryMerchantCategoryCode": "5814",
"merchantCountryCode": "840",
"merchantCity": "SAN FRANCISCO",
"merchantState": "CA",
"merchantPostalCode": "94127",
"merchantStreetAddress": "3338 N TEXAS ST STE A",
"paymentAcceptanceMethod": ["F2F"],
"terminalType": [
"firstTranDateRange": "In more than 365 days",
"lastTranDateRange": "In last 365 days",
"merchantCategoryCode": ["5814"],
"visaMerchantId": "29992901",
"visaStoreId": "209029977",
"merchantUrl": [],
"merchantPhoneNumber": []
"matchIndicators": {
"merchantCountryCode": "Y",
"merchantCity": "Y",
"merchantState": "Y",
"merchantPostalCode": "Y",
"merchantName": "Y"
"matchScore": "12.326644"
"header": {
"startIndex": "0",
"numRecordsMatched": 2,
"numRecordsReturned": 1,
"requestMessageId": "Request_001",
"messageDateTime": "2019-07-11T20:15:11.672",
"responseMessageId": "64VDP8896620190711201511672",
"endIndex": "0"
"status": {
"statusDescription": "Max Record Limit is:1, Please use start index to see the next set of records",
"statusCode": "CDI000MAXRCW"
Raw Data Response:
Hi @fredzilla,
Can you please confirm if your issue is resolved? If so, I'll close your ticket as resolved. Thanks!
We're no longer trying to use the Visa api's so in that sense - yes the issue is resolved.
Thank you.