I am trying to consume the endpoint for get card transactions on Postman, but I am having problems to get the data on the response.
I am not sure what clientId to use on the header request, and what payload use on the body request.
Below I show my postman configuration:
Certificades: 2-way SSL
URL: https://sandbox.api.visa.com/cdsapi/commercial/v1/ob/trxndata
Method: POST
Params: empty
Authorization: Basic Auth using username and password
Headers: Content-Type application/json /// clientId 999999 (idk what id to use)
Body: (I am trying two types of body, each of them give me a different response)
Body 1 with response:
Hi, @João. Thank you for reaching out! Our agent will get back to you with a potential solution as soon as possible. If anyone else is able to help answer João's questions, feel free to respond here.
Hi @João,
Please check the Test Data under your project dashboard to see Business Data Transactions API test data.
Please also provide the following information:
Using SoapUI, you can find the x-correlation-id in the Raw Tab of the response header.
To learn more about common Visa Developer error codes and how to resolve them, please navigate to our Visa Developer Error Codes page here - https://developer.visa.com/pages/visa-developer-error-codes
If you don't find an error code listed here, please refer to the API-specific error codes in its respective documentation pages.
Hi @I_Doroteo3 , thanks for reaching out
Sending the information requested:
1. Endpoint:
2. Request header:
Content-Type: application/json
clientId: 999999
3. Request body: