Test Updating Transaction Controls or card On/Off

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Test Updating Transaction Controls or card On/Off

Hello!  I'm trying to test updating transaction controls and have been relying on the PAN and Document ID values that are provided in the sample JSON.  I am able to get information, but whenever I try to test updating (to verify the serialized strings provided are correct) it seems I am not able to find a {documentID} that would result in a valid URI for such a test.  Instead, I get a JSON response with error = "Transaction control not found by ID"

Is there any way for me to test that my code to do this is working and get an indicative response back?

Thanks, ahead, for any help!


Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Test Updating Transaction Controls or card On/Off



Thanks for being part of the Visa Developer Community! To test Visa Transaction Control APIs, please feel free to play around in our sandbox testing environment and API Explorer so that you can start testing code.


You can access sandbox testing by navigating to the product API of your choice. Please follow the steps below to locate Sandbox Code Explorer.


Steps to Start Using Sandbox Code Explorer

1. Navigate to API Browser and choose an API that best fits your business case - https://developer.visa.com/apibrowser 

2. From the main API page click on 'View Docs'

3. On the API documentation page, on the right side of the browser click on 'API Reference'

4. On the API Reference page navigate to the right side of the browser and you will find the Code Explorer. Please use the Code Explorer to see the Request and Sample Response.


In addition to that, please take a look at our API Explorer. API Explorer lets you choose the Product API, Endpoint and Method to see the Request and Response. Here's the link to API Explorer - https://developer.visa.com/apiexplorer


Hope you're having enjoyable time with your code testing!


Thank you,




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