I'm looking for an alternative for Visa SDK "GetSupportedWallets" method accessable from backend. The main goal is determinig if Debit card was pushed into Aplle, Samsung or Google wallets. Will be gl...
Hi.I make request to get payload (project Cleick2Pay) and receive message:"Intent status is PENDING_ISSR_STEPUP. The value is invalid for the getPaymentData operation." What it means?...
I have created a sandbox environment in local and I was able to call the merchant search API till yesterday.However I tried calling the API since morning and I am getting a 500 internal error.The API...
Hi, I'm working with one of your APIs and I need to run one of your codes. I'm working with visa direct and visa in-app provisioning. I'm trying to run the pushfunds_test.js file, which is this'use st...
Hello .would any one please answer me if Visa Card Eligibility Services (VCES) API can be used in both online and in-person operations (card presence ,physical in Point Of Sale ) .be...