Yesterday this call to
vctc/customerrules/v1/consumertransactioncontrols was working fine (07/15/2021)
Today its returning bad request (header and correlation ID below)
I am using the same code structure as calling PushFundsTransactions in your sample code - except changing the endpoint and the JSON
(code below).
PushFundsTransactions continues to work, but trying to enroll a card is not.
response.StatusCode = BadRequest
response.Headers =
Server: nginx
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2021 15:12:18 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
X-SERVED-BY: l55c017
X-CORRELATION-ID: 1626448338_305_1395579264_l55c017_VDP_WS
X-Backside-Transport: FAIL FAIL,FAIL FAIL
X-Global-Transaction-ID: 1adcbd1660f1a1d20a140b49
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=2592000;includeSubdomains
Cache-Control: no-store, must-revalidate, no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
X-Cnection: close, close
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 141
Expires: -1
Content-Language: en-US
response.Body = (blank)
public string PushFundsTransactions()
string localTransactionDateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss");
string requestBody = "{ \"acquirerCountryCode\": \"840\", \"acquiringBin\": \"408999\", \"amount\": \"124.05\", \"businessApplicationId\": \"AA\", \"cardAcceptor\": { \"address\": { \"country\": \"USA\", \"county\": \"San Mateo\", \"state\": \"CA\", \"zipCode\": \"94404\" }, \"idCode\": \"CA-IDCode-77765\", \"name\": \"Visa Inc. USA-Foster City\", \"terminalId\": \"TID-9999\" }, \"localTransactionDateTime\": \"" + localTransactionDateTime + "\", \"merchantCategoryCode\": \"6012\", \"pointOfServiceData\": { \"motoECIIndicator\": \"0\", \"panEntryMode\": \"90\", \"posConditionCode\": \"00\" }, \"recipientName\": \"rohan\", \"recipientPrimaryAccountNumber\": \"4957030420210462\", \"retrievalReferenceNumber\": \"412770451018\", \"senderAccountNumber\": \"4957030420210454\", \"senderAddress\": \"901 Metro Center Blvd\", \"senderCity\": \"Foster City\", \"senderCountryCode\": \"124\", \"senderName\": \"Mohammed Qasim\", \"senderReference\": \"\", \"senderStateCode\": \"CA\", \"sourceOfFundsCode\": \"05\", \"systemsTraceAuditNumber\": \"451018\", \"transactionCurrencyCode\": \"USD\", \"transactionIdentifier\": \"381228649430015\" }";
string requestURL = "visadirect/fundstransfer/v1/pushfundstransactions";
return GetDecryptedPayload(DoMutualAuthCall(requestURL, "POST", "OCT With MLE", getEncryptedPayload(requestBody), null));
public string EnrollCardTransactions()
string localTransactionDateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss");
string requestBody = "{ \"primaryAccountNumber\": \"4514170000000001\" }";
//string requestURL = "visadirect/fundstransfer/v1/pushfundstransactions";
string requestURL = "vctc/customerrules/v1/consumertransactioncontrols";
return GetDecryptedPayload(DoMutualAuthCall(requestURL, "POST", "OCT With MLE", getEncryptedPayload(requestBody), null));
Hi @asaldanha,
Can you please share the request payload and response body? Are you encrypting the payload? MLE is optional for this endpoint, did you try without encryption?
No idea what was happening on your side - but after a 30-45 mins of getting errors it started responding as expected
Hi @asaldanha,
Thanks for letting us know that you are getting valid responses from the API.