Re: Visa In-App provisioning with Apple Pay/Samsung Pay internal server error

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Visa In-App provisioning with Apple Pay/Samsung Pay internal server error

I am trying to use the VISA in-App provisioning API, I am using the Java sample code that is available in the assets section.

I am using X-pay token for authentication and asymmetric encryption for FLE (Field Level Encryption).

I have been able to used the Universal card enrollment API for enrolling cards as per the Test data in the project.

I was also able to provision for Google pay.

As for Samsung pay, when I am using the encCard as the card field in the request payload, I am able to provision for Samsung pay, but with vCardID I am not able to, it is giving internal server error and "sometimes resource not found error".

As for Apple Pay when I am trying to execute the test case present in the sample code with the test data for Apple wallet provisioning, it is giving 500 internal server error.

Could you help me out on this, or provide the latest sample data for Apple Pay and Samsung pay

Community Moderator

Re: Visa In-App provisioning with Apple Pay/Samsung Pay internal server error

Hi @udayaramu, Thank you for reaching out. An agent will get back to you as soon as possible. Until then, if any community member knows a solution, feel free to reply in this thread.