I have successfully called API and get the payment object with id.
however status code mentioned as 402.
There is no clear definition for error code 402 in visa net documentation.
I would appreciate if anyone could assist to solve this.
Visa Service : VisaNet Connect - Acceptance
API : https://sandbox.api.visa.com/acs/v3/payments/authorizations
Hi, @terence! Thank you for reaching out. An agent is looking into this and will get back to you soon. If any community member has information that may help, feel free to respond to this thread.
Hi @terence,
To investigate, please provide the following information:
1. End Point
2. Request Header
3. Request Body
4. Response Header (include the x-correlation-id)
5. Response Body
You can find the x-correlation-id in the response header.
Hi @terence,
Are you still experiencing an error? If so, please provide the information I requested of you in my prior post.
@DianaVisaPM I email above requested details to developer@visa,com. But did not receive any response. here is details.
Dear Sir/Madam
Please refer requested details
We use api sample reference as it is.
1. End Point
2. Request Header
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Basic ' + Buffer.from(config.username + ':' + config.password).toString('base64')
And included all MLE certificate
3. Request Body
"msgIdentfctn": {
"clientId": "1VISAGCT000001",
"correlatnId": "Gg6yTAyWkmhyq0jPKHziafG"
"Hdr": {
"TracData": {
"Val": "anyroundtripinfo",
"Tp": "AddtnlTraceData"
"Body": {
"Tx": {
"TxAttr": [
"AddtlData": {
"Val": "freeformdata",
"Tp": "FreeFormDescData"
"AltrnMsgRsn": "2501",
"TxAmts": {
"TxAmt": {
"Amt": "123.45"
"Envt": {
"Accptr": {
"PaymentFacltId": "52014057",
"Accptr": "520142254322",
"CstmrSvc": "1 4155552235",
"FrgnRtlrInd": true,
"Adr": {
"PstlCd": "78463",
"CtrySubDvsnMjr": "03",
"Ctry": "US",
"CtrySubDvsnMnr": "011"
"Termnl": {
"TermnlId": {
"Id": "10012343"
"Cntxt": {
"TxCntxt": {
"MrchntCtgyCd": "4814"
"PtOfSvcCntxt": {
"CardDataNtryMd": "CDFL"
"AdddmData": {
"AddtlData": {
"Val": "1234567890",
"Tp": "PlanRegSysId"
"Instlmt": {
"PmtSeqNb": "12",
"Plan": [
"DfrrdInstlmtInd": true,
"PrdUnit": "WEEK",
"SbsqntAmt": "9999.99",
"TtlNbOfPmts": 24,
"InstlmtCcy": 840,
"NbOfPrds": "2",
"PlanOwnr": "ISSR",
"GrdTtlAmt": "234.56"
4. Response Header (include the x-correlation-id)
server: 'nginx',
date: 'Tue, 23 Jan 2024 06:09:59 GMT',
'content-type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
'content-length': '722',
connection: 'close',
'x-served-by': '-59699695l',
'x-correlation-id': '1705990199_386_342454085_-59699695l_VDP_WS',
'x-error-origin': '9900',
'x-app-status': '403',
'x-app-id': '56075577-5f86-5f37-6437-64a5dcfe819b-acs',
'content-encoding': 'identity',
encrypted: 'true',
'content-language': 'en-US',
'cache-control': 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate',
'x-frame-options': 'SAMEORIGIN',
'x-xss-protection': '0',
'x-content-type-options': 'nosniff',
'strict-transport-security': 'max-age=31536000;includeSubdomains',
pragma: 'no-cache',
expires: '-1',
'content-security-policy-report-only': "default-src 'self' https://.v.me https://.visa.com;script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' https://.visa.com https://.v.me;img-src 'self' https://.v.me https://.visa.com https://.unica.com https://ad.doubleclick.net;style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' https://.visa.com;object-src https://.v.me https://.visa.com data:;report-uri /logging/logCSPReport;",
'x-content-security-policy-report-only': "default-src 'self' https://.v.me https://.visa.com;script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' https://.visa.com https://.v.me;img-src 'self' https://.v.me https://.visa.com https://.unica.com https://ad.doubleclick.net;style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' https://.visa.com;object-src https://.v.me https://.visa.com data:;report-uri /logging/logCSPReport;",
'x-webkit-csp-report-only': "default-src 'self' https://.v.me https://.visa.com;script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' https://.visa.com https://.v.me;img-src 'self' https://.v.me https://.visa.com https://.unica.com https://ad.doubleclick.net;style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' https://.visa.com;object-src https://.v.me https://.visa.com data:;report-uri /logging/logCSPReport;"
5. Response Body
Hi @terence ,
Please send email to developer@visa.com and ask for access to the Visa Payments Processing integrated test data for sandbox testing and then once access is granted you can try to test again.