Re: What API should I consume to carry out my project with Tokenization

Regular Visitor

What API should I consume to carry out my project with Tokenization

Hello, I am integrating with Card-On-File, using the methods
- Provision Token -Given PAN Data
-Get Card Metadata
-Get Payment Data (Token & Cryptogram)—Given Token ID
-Get PAN Data
-Get TokenStatus
-Confirm Token Association
- Token Life Cycle Management APIs (Suspend Token, Resume Token, and Delete Token)

But I get the following errors


Test Request:


$this->data = $this->encryptedJWE->addDataJwe($auth['key'], $this->data, 'encRiskDataInfo');

$uri = Uri::withQueryValues(
new Uri($auth['url'] . '/vts/provisionedTokens'),
'apiKey' => $auth['apiKey'],
'async' => $this->data['async'],
'relationshipID' => $this->data['relationshipID']

return new Request(
'x-request-id' => $auth['requestId'],
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'x-pay-token' => (new PayToken(
json_encode($this->encryptedJWE->addDataJwe($auth['key'], $this->data, 'encPaymentInstrument'))


Error Enroll PAN

"responseStatus" => array:5 [
"status" => 401
"code" => "9201"
"severity" => "ERROR"
"message" => "Token Validation Failed"
"info" => ""


Error Provision Token—Given PAN Data

"responseStatus" => array:5 [
"code" => "9501"
"severity" => "ERROR"
"message" => "Invalid input found, please correct the input data"
"info" => ""
"status" => "400"



I remain attentive to your answer


Community Moderator

Re: What API should I consume to carry out my project with Tokenization

Thank you for reaching out, @larangogon! An agent is looking for a solution for you and will get back to you as soon as possible. If any community members know a solution, please feel free to share it here. - Jenn

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: What API should I consume to carry out my project with Tokenization

Hi @larangogon,


To investigate the error, please provide the following information:


1. Endpoint
2. Request Header
3. Request Body
4. Response Header (include the x-correlation-id)
5. Response Body

Using SoapUI, you can find the x-correlation-id in the Raw Tab of the response header.




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Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: What API should I consume to carry out my project with Tokenization

Hi @larangogon,


Are you still experiencing an error? Please confirm if the error persists or not so that I can close the case if the issue is fixed. If you're still experiencing an error, please answer the questions I have asked of you in my previous post. 



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Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: What API should I consume to carry out my project with Tokenization

Hi @larangogon,


I haven't received a reply from you, hence, I'll take you off my contact list. Please do not hesitate to reach out to the developer community if you need further assistance. Have a good weekend. 



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