Hello, Are there any known issues with the Visa Certification Environment currently? Is there any know issues in certification environment? We see few calls works but after that every call is fai...
I created a new account, and read most of the documentation, and I'm trying to test the Authorization API and apparently I have no access to it. as I read in the documentation I have to request the ac...
Hi all, I am getting the following error - status 400 from VisaSupplierMatchingServiceBulk API. URL used: https://sandbox.api.visa.com/visasuppliermatchingservice/v1/upload?country...
we receive since a few days the following message when we want to go to project "Visa Digital Services Project " in VISA DeveloperIs it possible to check this ? Thanks We recieve an i...
Hi,On make curl request to /visasuppliermatchingservice/v1/search. I always get 404 error.Requestcurl -X POST 'https://sandbox.api.visa.com/visasuppliermatchingservice/v1/search?supplierName=supplier1...