Hello all,I am new to this community and I got here after searching for a solution to my project testing needs.In short, I am testing a web service and need a credit card to complete end to end scenar...
I might have found some inconsistencies between the documentation (see the link below), and the functionality of sandbox service endpoint.Link to the documentation: https://developer.visa.com/cap...
We are trying to execute "https://sandbox.api.visa.com//vsps/search" But results in below error. Please address whats the issue. X-CORRELATION-ID: 1726058831_193_494714857_-576878785r_VDP_WS...
I am using Visa In-App Provisioning to obtain an OPC (Opaque Payment Card) for Google Pay. The OPC object I receive is as follows (Sandbox😞{ "paymentAccountReference": "V12345678901245142312744591...
When trying to add VisaNet Connect Payments/VisaNet Connect - Issuing to my project, I receive We're sorry, the following error occurred. We encountered an unexpected error. Please try...