Re: "code": "NPPS007"

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Regular Visitor

"code": "NPPS007"

I am trying to test the authorization API with the sample data provided in the API reference. however, I am getting  {"status": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR" }.

How to fix this? what can possibly be the reason?


"cardAcceptr": {"clientId": "0123456789012345678901234567893"},
"acctInfo": {"primryAcctNum": {
"panExpDt": "2019-12",
"pan": "4111111111111111"
"riskAssessmntData": {
"traExmptn": "true",
"delgtdAthntctn": "true",
"trustdMerchntExmptn": "true",
"scpExmptn": "true",
"lowVlExmptn": "true"
"freeFormDescrptnData": "Freeformdata",
"msgIdentfctn": {
"correlatnId": "14bc567d90f23e56a8f045",
"origId": "123451234567890"
"verfctnData": {"billngAddr": {
"postlCd": "12345",
"addrLn": "PO Box 12345"
"msgTransprtData": "TransportData",
"transctn": {
"partialAuthInd": "true",
"eComData": {
"eciCd": "5",
"xid": "EEC4567F90123A5678B0123EA67890D2345678FF",
"digitalGoods": "true"
"posData": {
"envrnmnt": "eCom",
"panEntryMode": "OnFile",
"panSrce": "VCIND"
"localDtTm": "2019-12-02T13:35:11",
"tranAmt": {
"amt": "123.45",
"numCurrCd": "840"
"tranDesc": "Transactiondescription"



"code": "NPPS007",
"message": "An unknown error occured",

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: "code": "NPPS007"

Hey @amitkishore,


I ran a test today and I was able to get a successful response. To get a successful response, you will need to use the Test Data from your VDP project app. Are you using Test Data?

Can you please try to test again using the Test Data of your project app (refer to Request/Response payload and example screenshots below) and share your results with us?


Please note, when you create a test App in our sandbox you will receive test data in your App. The test data for your Visa Developer application is available in the Dashboard under test data in the left navigation, this will ensure that you are using valid data that has been provisioned for specific scenarios. You will basically have a table per API that is split into the Request and Response sections and the values on the Request section are meant to be populated in the payload with the intention of obtaining results specified in the Response section.


Sandbox data is limited to what is provided in the Test Data tables and is not integrated to the Visa Network and you cannot test real data in sandbox. 

20190521 Test Data.jpg


20191203 Test Data VPP Authorization.png


Please see my successful Request payload and Response payload provided below. To test for VPP Authorization and get a Successful API request, I changed the Amount to 51.29 as indicated to do so from my project’s Test Data. Your project’s Test Data could be different from mine, so please use your own Test Data.


Method: Post






  "cardAcceptr": {"clientId": "0123456789012345678901234567893"},

  "acctInfo": {"primryAcctNum": {

    "panExpDt": "2019-12",

    "pan": "4111111111111111"


  "riskAssessmntData": {

    "traExmptn": "true",

    "delgtdAthntctn": "true",

    "trustdMerchntExmptn": "true",

    "scpExmptn": "true",

    "lowVlExmptn": "true"


  "freeFormDescrptnData": "Freeformdata",

  "msgIdentfctn": {

    "correlatnId": "14bc567d90f23e56a8f045",

    "origId": "123451234567890"


  "verfctnData": {"billngAddr": {

    "postlCd": "12345",

    "addrLn": "PO Box 12345"


  "msgTransprtData": "TransportData",

  "transctn": {

    "partialAuthInd": "true",

    "eComData": {

      "eciCd": "5",

      "xid": "EEC4567F90123A5678B0123EA67890D2345678FF",

      "digitalGoods": "true"


    "posData": {

      "envrnmnt": "eCom",

      "panEntryMode": "OnFile",

      "panSrce": "VCIND"


    "localDtTm": "2019-12-03T09:00:16",

    "tranAmt": {

      "amt": "51.29",

      "numCurrCd": "840"


    "tranDesc": "Transactiondescription"





Response Header:



  "acctInfo": {"primryAcctNum": {"panLast4": "1111"}},

  "msgIdentfctn": {

    "reqstId": "1DA7E65141FC843932BDA5495DF30C48",

    "correlatnId": "14bc567d90f23e56a8f045",

    "id": "387058815890001"


  "_links": {

    "authVoid": {"href": "/acs/v1/payments/authorizations/387058815890001/voids"},

    "authCapture": {"href": "/acs/v1/payments/authorizations/387058815890001/captures"}


  "transctnReslts": {

    "apprvlCd": "123456",

    "tranReslt": "Approved",

    "actionCd": "00"


  "transctn": {

    "eComData": {"eciCd": "7"},

    "tranAmt": {

      "amt": "51.29",

      "numCurrCd": "840"






Response Header:


Status Code: 200 OK

Server : nginx

Content-Type : application/json;charset=UTF-8

Content-Length : 1200

X-SERVED-BY : l55c012

X-CORRELATION-ID : 1575397261_538_898363881_l55c012_VDP_WS



Cache-Control : no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate

Pragma : no-cache

Expires : 0 ,Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT ,-1 ,-1

X-Frame-Options : SAMEORIGIN

X-XSS-Protection : 1; mode=block

X-Content-Type-Options : nosniff

Strict-Transport-Security : max-age=2592000;includeSubdomains

encrypted : true

Content-Language : en-US

Date : Tue, 03 Dec 2019 18:21:01 GMT

Connection : keep-alive




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Regular Visitor

Re: "code": "NPPS007"

Thank you so much, Diana. It worked.