We recently got production access to Visa Developer Program. I was able to configure Two Way SSL for the sandbox environment and was able to successfully call the APIs and also use Postman.
I created the CSR file for Production using the following commands
keytool -genkeypair -alias client -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore merchantSearch_keyAndCertBundle_prod.jks -storepass xxx -keypass xxx -dname "CN=visa.abc.com, OU=Engineering, O=ABC , L=San Jose, ST=California, C=US, UID=UID-PROD"
Created CSR using the following command
keytool -certreq -alias client -keystore merchantSearch_keyAndCertBundle_prod.jks -storepass xxx -keypass xxx -file merchantSearch_keyAndCertBundle_prod.csr
The CSR file was uploaded and approved by visa and Credentials was created for production access. The Certificate was generated in a .pem format. Postman expects a .crt file and the corresponding key file and a passphrase. Where do i get that information.
i also issued the following commands:
keytool -import -alias servicesroot -keystore merchantSearch_keyAndCertBundle_prod.jks -file VisaServicesCARoot.pem -storepass xxx
keytool -import -alias servicesinter -keystore merchantSearch_keyAndCertBundle_prod.jks -file VisaServicesCAInter.pem -storepass xxx
keytool -import -alias digicert -keystore merchantSearch_keyAndCertBundle_prod.jks -file DigiCertGlobalRootCA_visa_prod.crt -storepass xxx
For sandbox the self signing csr created a key in the .pem format which i used in Postman and i was able to execute requests. Also programmatically i was able to access the Visa API through Spring Boot RestTemplate. For Production properties I get 401 unAuthorized
How do i access Visa APIs using postman
Hi @vk1, Thank you for reaching out. An agent will look into this and get back to you as soon as possible. In the meantime, if any community member knows a solution, feel free to reply in this thread.