Re: Expected input credential was not present


Expected input credential was not present


    Trying to hit the HelloWorld application and getting this error back.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><responseStatus><code>9124</code><info></info><message>Expected input credential was not present</message><severity>ERROR</severity><status>400</status></responseStatus>




Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Expected input credential was not present

Hi @asraro,


Thank you for the inquiry. The error 400 - 9124 Expected input credential was not present usually occurs when the credentials used are invalid. Can you please confirm if you are using valid credentials?

Also, please double check the SSL settings and make sure the keystore has all the necessary certificates imported. To start, this error usually occurs when your certificates are not sent.
· Keystore is not setup. Certificates are not in the keystore:
     â—‹ For java keystore (jks) run keytool command and verify all the certificates have been imported on the keystore
· keytool -list -v -keystore keystore.jks
     â—‹ For a p12 execute the following openssl command:
· openssl pkcs12 -info -in keyStore.p12
· In SOAPUI check File->Settings->SSL Settings and make sure the KeyStore and KeyStore Password are populated in Soap UI


KeyStore and KeyStore Password.png


  • Check SSL Info Tab in SOAP UI Response and verify you have a Local Certificate 1, Local Certificate 2 followed by Peer Certificate 1 and Peer Certificate 2

Peer Cert image2018-8-1_12-0-18.png                                 In addition to that, if you are using SOAP UI, please make sure to select "Authenticate pre-emptively" under "Auth (Basic)" tab. Also, please double check in the request raw tab that the "Authentication Basic" is present. 


authenticate pre-emptively.jpg


Check request header and make sure Authorization: Basic has been populated with the base64 encoded username and password:


check authorization.jpg


Please follow the Working with Visa APIs guide and read the Two-Way SSL (Mutual Authentication) guide:    


If the issue persists, please provide more information on the error you have received for further investigation. Please send the response request of the error received, screenshot and the Correlation ID. Please let us know if you have other questions.


Below are the steps to get the Correlation ID using a Google Chrome browser.

1>Open Chrome menu.

2>Click on More tools then Developer tools.

3>Check the box to Preserve Log for the Network Tab.

4>Then try to click on the add API link.

5>You can find the Correlation ID in the network log for add API call.




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Re: Expected input credential was not present

Thanks for detail information.

We have gone through that process and was able to make successful connection through SoapUI.

The error message was coming when we were hitting Visa Service through our Application.

The way it works for us needs:

1. "DigiCert" has to be placed in the TrustStore.

2. Private Key and Application Cert needs to be added to the KeyStore.

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Expected input credential was not present

Hi @asraro,


Thanks for sharing your solution with us!




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