I thank everyone most especially diana for guiding me so well during this phase of configurations
am able to get the response from the soapui
But when it comes to posting with the x-pay-token
i get the response below
{{"responseStatus":{"code":"9101","severity":"ERROR","message":"Token Validation Failed","info":"","status":401}}
am so positive am about to get this right
May be my problem is with the way i generate my HMACSHA256
But i have worked with it before and didnt really expect this kind of error to have come from it
if someelse can provide solution before i get i would really appreciate it
Hello my friend, @ezamarichard,
Thanks for the acknowledgement of your appreciation and for mentioning my username. I love helping the developer community and seeing things work out for all things 'technical'.
The 401 Token Validation Failed error you're getting will be seen when the x-pay-token sent in the header is invalid.
A couple of things I'd like you to note while generating the token:
1. For starters, please follow the getting started documentation to generate a valid token. https://developer.visa.com/vdpguide#get-started-overview
2. APIkey in the url query param should be the same as the one used to generate xpayToken
3. “resourcePath” sent in the xpaytoken has to be as per the documentation (eg: v2/payments?apikey={apikey}).
4. Payload sent in the request payload should exactly match along with spaces to the “requestBody” value used in xpaytoken.
Can you please provide the request payload of this API call? It's possible that you're missing a field or have an inaccurate format. I'd like to see screenshot attachments of the error provided, if possible.
Also, could you check to see if you're passing a correct value for URI. For example, make sure it’s defined correctly in the beginning of your code, and use the same value for the URI in the middle of your code. In general, for cases like this (i.e. “helloworld works, but the API XX doesn’t”) I'd like to ask of you, if you could, to please extend your SOAPUI project, and make sure that you can call a particular API from SOAPUI project first.
Hi @carljmc and @muneebqadar,
To further investigate, please email developer@visa.com or reply to this forum post and provide the following information:
1. End Point
2. Request Header
3. Request Body
4. Response Header (include the x-correlation-id)
5. Response Body
Using SoapUI, you can find the x-correlation-id in the Raw Tab of the response header.