Re: Getting "code": "9159", "severity": "ERROR", &quot

New Contributor

Getting "code": "9159", "severity": "ERROR", "message": "Token Validation Failed",

The below is groovy script
import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import groovy.json.JsonOutput

def hmac(String secretKey, String data) {
Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256")
SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(secretKey.getBytes(), "HmacSHA256")
byte[] digest = mac.doFinal(data.getBytes())
return digest

def APIKey = 'UDTEE5CUPLX6ZATVYVxxxxxxxxx-ef6J2CRKPj74vvxluo'
def sharedSecret = '/uw7HJN97vEW46wMQ+BaunfBJ@FJrfE+0u9rR6sr'
def URI = "/installments/v2/clients"
def QS = "apiKey="+APIKey
def timeStampUTC = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis().intdiv(1000L))

def payload = '{' +
'"partnerMerchantReferenceID": "fbf114e6-8536-d537-69f0-1e18fb88b634",' +
'"city": "San Francisco",' +
'"address2": "2nd Block",' +
'"address1": "1 Main Street",' +
'"postalCode": 94301,' +
'"primaryContactLastName": "Smith",' +
'"primaryContactFirstName": "John",' +
'"primaryLegalName": "My Merchant",' +
'"stateProvinceCode": "CA",' +
'"phone": "4155551212",' +
'"countryCode": "US",' +
'"primaryWebsiteURL": "http:\\/\\/",' +
'"primaryTradeName": "",' +
'"primaryContactEmail": ""' +

def HMACDigest = hmac(sharedSecret, timeStampUTC + URI + QS + payload) + URI + QS + payload)
def encodedDigest = HMACDigest.encodeHex().toString()
def XPayToken = "xv2:"+ timeStampUTC + ":" + encodedDigest
testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue("xpayToken", XPayToken)

This is body 
{"partnerMerchantReferenceID":"fbf114e6-8536-d537-69f0-1e18fb88b634","city":"San Francisco","address2":"2nd Block","address1":"1 Main Street","postalCode":94301,"primaryContactLastName":"Smith","primaryContactFirstName":"John","primaryLegalName":"My Merchant","stateProvinceCode":"CA","phone":"4155551212","countryCode":"US","primaryWebsiteURL":"","primaryTradeName":"","primaryContactEmail":""}

Below is logs from soapUI

Tue Apr 30 12:24:29 GST 2024:INFO:1714465469/installments/v2/clientsapiKey=UDTEE5CUPLX6ZAxxxxxxbvZ5Ca-ef6J2CRKPj74vvxluo{"partnerMerchantReferenceID": "fbf114e6-8536-d537-69f0-1e18fb88b634","city": "San Francisco","address2": "2nd Block","address1": "1 Main Street","postalCode": 94301,"primaryContactLastName": "Smith","primaryContactFirstName": "John","primaryLegalName": "My Merchant","stateProvinceCode": "CA","phone": "4155551212","countryCode": "US","primaryWebsiteURL": "http:\/\/","primaryTradeName": "","primaryContactEmail": ""}

Tue Apr 30 12:24:29 GST 2024:INFO:[B@3c2d239c

Tue Apr 30 12:24:29 GST 2024:INFO:7fee6e49e037fca30ccfcfca6c835fad7e206cbe43d0cbeed8204b580c12773d

Tue Apr 30 12:24:29 GST 2024:INFO:xv2:1714465469:7fee6e49e037fca30ccfcfca6c835fad7e206cbe43d0cbeed8204b580c12773d

Tue Apr 30 12:23:57 GST 2024: DEBUG: http-outgoing >>

POST /installments/v2/clients?apikey=UDTEE5xxxxxxxxxxxxxxKPj74vvxluo HTTP/1.1

Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate

Content-Type: application/json

x-pay-token: xv2:1714465424:735febb7d336012423d66940fb7fa4bc4ac7eb694dddfc6bd59d1447758c2d9e

Content-Length: 458


Connection: Keep-Alive

User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.5.5 (Java/16.0.2)

{"partnerMerchantReferenceID":"fbf114e6-8536-d537-69f0-1e18fb88b634","city":"San Francisco","address2":"2nd Block","address1":"1 Main Street","postalCode":94301,"primaryContactLastName":"Smith","primaryContactFirstName":"John","primaryLegalName":"My Merchant","stateProvinceCode":"CA","phone":"4155551212","countryCode":"US","primaryWebsiteURL":"","primaryTradeName":"","primaryContactEmail":""}

Tue Apr 30 12:23:57 GST 2024: DEBUG: http-incoming <<

HTTP/1.1 401

Server: nginx

Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2024 08:23:57 GMT

Content-Type: application/json

Content-Length: 112

Connection: keep-alive

X-SERVED-BY: -776c6b4-6d2

X-CORRELATION-ID: 1714465437_578_1493591987_-776c6b4-6d2_VDP_WS

x-vdp-normalized-url: /installments/v2/clients


x-vdp-authn-api-visa-id: IPS.102


X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN

X-XSS-Protection: 0

X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff

Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000;includeSubdomains

Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate

Pragma: no-cache

Expires: -1

Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only: default-src 'self' https://* https://*;script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' https://* https://*;img-src 'self' https://* https://* https://*;style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' https://*;object-src https://* https://* data:;report-uri /logging/logCSPReport;

X-Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only: default-src 'self' https://* https://*;script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' https://* https://*;img-src 'self' https://* https://* https://*;style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' https://*;object-src https://* https://* data:;report-uri /logging/logCSPReport;

X-WebKit-CSP-Report-Only: default-src 'self' https://* https://*;script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' https://* https://*;img-src 'self' https://* https://* https://*;style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' https://*;object-src https://* https://* data:;report-uri /logging/logCSPReport;

{"responseStatus":{"status":401,"code":"9159","severity":"ERROR","message":"Token Validation Failed","info":""}}

I am working on client onboarding api in visa installment transaction service. and getting the error mentioned above. Please help

Community Moderator

Re: Getting "code": "9159", "severity": "ERROR", &quot

Hi @bijujosephThank you for reaching out. An agent is looking into this and will get back to you soon. Until then, if any community member knows a solution, feel free to reply to this thread.

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Getting "code": "9159", "severity": "ERROR", &quot

Hi @bijujoseph,


Please refer to the Visa Developer Error Codes page for cause/resolution. I've also included the cause/resolution below.


Depending on the authentication/encryption mechanism being used, this could be due any of the following reasons. If you are unable to root-cause the same from the possible reasons below, please contact Visa Support at with the details of the error message, and full http request, response details.

Two-Way SSL (Mutual Authentication):

  • Authorization Header missing in the request.
  • Authorization Header in invalid format. It either does not start with 'Basic' or the userId or password fields are blank.
  • UserId or Password or Subject DN on the certificate is invalid.
  • You could be presenting a wrong client certificate for that environment.

X-Pay Token:

  • x-pay-token is blank or not in valid format.
  • Timestamp field not in valid UTC timestamp format.
  • Version field is invalid.
  • Token's timestamp is more than 8 minutes off from the current time.
  • Token hash mismatch.
  • APIKey not present in request.
  • APIKey is not active.
  • APIKey not valid.
  • APIKey not active.
  • The request contains an older version of x-pay-token than supported by the API/project. Please upgrade to the latest supported version. Consult the VDP Getting Started Guide for the same.


  • JWE Token format is invalid.
  • Kid not present in the token.
  • Token validation against Shared secret failed.
  • JWT Grant Type or Token value is either missing, empty or has multiple values.


  • JWS token validation failed.
  • Kid extraction from header failed.
  • JWT Grant Type or Token value is either missing, empty or has multiple values.
  • Kid missing in JWS header.


  • JWT prefix not in proper format.
  • JWT in Request Body not a well-formed JSON.
  • JWT does not contain grant type field or grant type field is blank.
  • JWT does not contain assertions field or assertions field is blank.
  • JWT token value does not start with the appropriate bearer_JWT prefix.
  • APIKey is not active.
  • APIKey not valid.
  • APIKey not active.

This could be due to any of the following scenarios in Message Level Encryption (JWE):

  • KeyId in request is invalid.
  • KeyId not present in the request (JWE Header/Request Header).
  • JWE payload element in request is not in the proper format.
  • JWE token does not have iat header or token has expired.


  • Request has more than one authentication tokens which is not supported.
  • Incoming http request does not contain any of the required authentication tokens for this API.




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