How do you test your two-way SSL Connectivity? Webinar - Dev Notes

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Re: How do you test your two-way SSL Connectivity? Webinar - Dev Notes

Thank you for the information.


Re: How do you test your two-way SSL Connectivity? Webinar - Dev Notes

I have to install a SSL cert in sandbox for my salesforce project. If I refresh the sanbox at a later point of time will the cert be deleted. If so is there any work around it so that I can take back up of the cert. Or do I need to go with a whole new cert. Please advice.




Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: How do you test your two-way SSL Connectivity? Webinar - Dev Notes

Hey @donbrian45,


Please confirm which SSL Certificate you are referring to here? Also, what Visa API are you trying to implement? Once you answer above questions, we'll be in a position to help assist further.




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Visa Employee

Re: How do you test your two-way SSL Connectivity? Webinar - Dev Notes

Adding some openssl commands that I find helpful


// To generate a private key (privateKey.pem) and a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) using that private key (test.csr)
$ openssl req -new -keyout privateKey.pem -out test.csr

// With the above command you will prompted to enter information like PEM passphrase (for private key), country code, state/province, locality, organization, common name.

// If you already have all the above information (country code, locality, ... etc.) handy, the below command can be used to generate the CSR in one step.
// This is useful in case you want to automate generation of you private key and CSR.
// It is also helpful when generating your CSR for Certification and Production environments (Certification and Production require the additional mandatory field UID) 
// Below is just an example - always use a stronger password
openssl req -new -keyout privateKey.pem -out test.csr -subj / -passout pass:1234

// If you have multiple private key, CSR and certificate files and are not sure which private key maps to which CSR or certificate you can use the below commands
openssl req -in test.csr -modulus -noout | openssl md5
openssl rsa -in privateKey.pem -modulus -noout | openssl md5
openssl x509 -in cert.pem -modulus -noout | openssl md5
// If the commands above give the same output then they are part of the same pair


Visa Employee

Re: How do you test your two-way SSL Connectivity? Webinar - Dev Notes

Adding some openssl commands that I find helpful


// To generate a private key (privateKey.pem) and a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) using that private key (test.csr)
$ openssl req -new -keyout privateKey.pem -out test.csr

// With the above command you will prompted to enter information like PEM passphrase (for private key), country code, state/province, locality, organization, common name.

// If you already have all the above information (country code, locality, ... etc.) handy, the below command can be used to generate the CSR in one step.
// This is useful in case you want to automate generation of you private key and CSR.
// It is also helpful when generating your CSR for Certification and Production environments (Certification and Production require the additional mandatory field UID) 
// Below is just an example - always use a stronger password
openssl req -new -keyout privateKey.pem -out test.csr -subj / -passout pass:1234

// If you have multiple private key, CSR and certificate files and are not sure which private key maps to which CSR or certificate you can use the below commands
openssl req -in test.csr -modulus -noout | openssl md5
openssl rsa -in privateKey.pem -modulus -noout | openssl md5
openssl x509 -in cert.pem -modulus -noout | openssl md5
// If the commands above give the same output then they are part of the same pair




Re: How do you test your two-way SSL Connectivity? Webinar - Dev Notes

Thanks for the ref @Shaina
Regular Visitor

Re: How do you test your two-way SSL Connectivity? Webinar - Dev Notes

The Postman version and the ReadyAPI version are both out of date relative to your tutorial walk-through screen shots and webinar.
They need to be updated.

Also, when I copy the code ("payload") from the: Foreign Exchange Rates API - API reference - request/response code
I get an error message when sending it as a payload in Postman
Message reads something like: start line not found

When I look at the code to be copied I see no specific code designating a begin.

The fastest way to fix these issues is to remake the Webinar with the updated information. Otherwise you are going to have an endless army of NPCs posting these exact problems from now until web 3.0 .....

Community Scholar

Re: How do you test your two-way SSL Connectivity? Webinar - Dev Notes

Hey @graceman33  - we've got a new tutorial with the updated Postman coming very soon. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. 



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