Problem with

Regular Visitor

Problem with

Hello Team,


I am integrating your Card Validation API in my project. I am facing the problem of certificate while making API call with the certificate i have generated. The error is "The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel."

I have tried it through postman and it's working fine but in my application i am getting error/


Can you please help me so that i can test it through application.


Thanks & Regards,

Rahul Joshi

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Problem with

Hello @rahulj,


I'm happy to help resolve your issue. To move forward, can you please provide the following information:

1. Endpoint
2. Request Header
3. Request Body
4. Response Header (include the x-correlation-id)
5. Response Body

Using SoapUI, you can find the x-correlation-id in the Raw Tab of the response header.




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Regular Contributor

Re: Problem with

Hi  @rahulj,

This issue seems to be a result of some problem where API client isn't able to find Root CA's certificate. Because, it's working fine with postman as you said.

So, try to add 'DigiCert Global Root CA' certificate into the client keystore, i.e. now your keystore should have private key(downloaded while creating project) + cert.pem + vdp sandbox cert. + DigiCert root ca. So, we need to add the global root ca to the client keystore in order to call from ApiClient. 


If it's still confusing please follow this tutorial on how to set up ssl

and post your query if you still aren't able to resolve the issue.

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Problem with

Hey @rahulj,


Were you able to resolve the issue? If not, let me know and I'd be happy to help.






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Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Problem with

Hey @rahulj,


We recommend you to use the VDC Playground tool for your testing. Can you please download this tool and test from there?


You can find the guide on Getting Started with VDC Playground from this blog post here - 
I have also attached the VDC Playground tool as an attachment for your convenience.


You can also refer to my instructions in the example below. There's screenshot examples but please input your own data for Endpoint, User Id, Password, Public Key, Private Key, Host and Port. Only use Host and Port if you're connected to the VPN (I was connected to VPN so I enabled this feature and inputted in my own Host/Port information). 


To generate a keystore properly, I will need to use OpenSSL then create a p12 file then use the java keytool commands.


Or to generate a keystore properly, I can use the VDP Playground.


How to Use the VDC Playground to create a keystore


1. Go to Mutual SSL Certificates section and Browse for the Public Key and Private Key.

Public Key example: C:\Users\dtranyee\Documents\Test Project\VMPI_test1\cert.pem

Private Key example: C:\Users\dtranyee\Documents\Test Project\VMPI_test1\key_d7eb2138-ad0e-4030-9b10-6dded4541dc1.pem


20190920 public key and private key playground example2.png


2. Click on JKS button (Key Store section). A KeyStore Password pop up window will appear. Enter in KeyStore Password (eg. Password123) then click on Confirm.


20191230 VDC Playground Click on JKS.png


3. Select location to save the file. Save it to the project folder and enter the File name: clientkeystore. (Note: it will add .jks to the file)


20191230 Clientkeystore VDC Playground.png


4. In red text on top left, it says Keystore File generated successfully.

20190924 VDP Playground Hello World Example.png


5. Click on Run







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