Use this board to get guidance for invalid input, failed connections to sandbox, roadblocks using Two-Way SSL/X-Pay Token, HTTP 4xx/certificate/KeyStore errors, etc.
I'm trying to run the x-pay-token sample code, but I don't see the apiKey anywhere in my project. I only added the push provisioning APIs to my project. do I need to add something else to ge...
Hi Everyone,I've had quite a struggle attempting to get everything together just to renew my production application.I see plenty of tutorials and things on how to MAKE a new project and generate a cer...
Dear support,I am testing an authorization request with VDP playground tool using SSL two way authentication at the endpoints: , but...
I'm having trouble with token validation with the Authorizations v3 API in python. I have ran the helloworld GET API successfully, so I'm confident that my credentials are not the prob...