Use this board to get guidance for invalid input, failed connections to sandbox, roadblocks using Two-Way SSL/X-Pay Token, HTTP 4xx/certificate/KeyStore errors, etc.
Hello Team,
we are making tests with Visa Alias Directory service API
Actually All apis call (GET & POST) based on two-way ssl authentication works correctly on local dev environment but on...
Hi, I get this error on my test server when I try to test the RESOLVEVADS api even though the server date is at sysdate & (sysdate -2min)Here is the X-Correlation-Id of the failed request :FDTLakV...
Hello, I need assistance regarding an issue that I got I am pretty sure that I have used the correct certificate for the privateKey used for decryption which the privateKey is the key I rec...
Trying to launch the VDP Playground. I'm getting the same error I've noticed several others received:Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/json/JSONException The "s...