Can a Visa card owner get all the eligible offers in his smart phone app using Visa Offers Data API?

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Can a Visa card owner get all the eligible offers in his smart phone app using Visa Offers Data API?


   I wanted to discuss a use case where a user(Visa Credit Card user) can see all the offers that he(his card) is eligible for in his smartphone app. I wanted to implement this feature in a mobile app. There is a problem where the Visa Credit Card User(or a CC user in general) is eligible for quite a few offers which are not so user friendly to access on the issuer's website(banks usually).


Problem Statement: Visa Credit Card user misses out of offers that he/she is eligible.

Solution: A mobile app where the user saves his credit card in his phone(locally and securely). This mobile app inputs the encrypted card data to Visa APIs and in return gets all the offers that the banks have for him.


So, I wanted to know if this was possible for consumers? This could be a good use case for the Visa users since it would be more personalised experience for Visa CC users. Additionally, user won't miss out on features which might encourage the user for using the Credit card more.

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Can a Visa card owner get all the eligible offers in his smart phone app using Visa Offers Data

Hey @paragdulam,


That's a good question. Can you please let us know if you are an issuer bank and what region your business is from?




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Re: Can a Visa card owner get all the eligible offers in his smart phone app using Visa Offers Data

Hi Diana,

    I am an Independent Mobile Developer from Pune, India. Additionally, I am NOT associated with any issuer bank. I am curious about the app idea mentioned being helpful to a lot of Credit Card Users and the companies offering them. 


Please let me know if there is a procedure to follow for individual developers to get this thing done. There are questions coming in my mind like

  1. Will I have to partner with the banks here to get access to the offers data for consumers' cards? 
  2. Will I have to partner with Visa? Will I be charged money for the service?
  3. If answer for question 1is true, then hypothetically speaking, User will get the required information for local sellers here. How can Visa Developer API be helpful in that case. 


Apologies for my overwhelming questions. I am just too curious about this app.


Thanks and Regards,

Parag Dulam

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Can a Visa card owner get all the eligible offers in his smart phone app using Visa Offers Data

Hey @paragdulam,


Those are great questions and I'm happy to help answer them. I'll take a look and get back soon on this.  



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Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Can a Visa card owner get all the eligible offers in his smart phone app using Visa Offers Data

Hey @paragdulam,


To follow up, Visa Offers Platform is available for issuer bank use only. If you're not an issuer bank than you won't be able to integrate the API. Please let us know if you have other questions and someone will be happy to help.




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