Hello Visa developer team!
I'm going to use VPP API on my site.
I have encrypted payload body and send request.
But I'm getting internal server error.
Below is php script to call api and send request.
Please Help Me.
Best Regards.
$pub_key = openssl_pkey_get_public(file_get_contents(APPPATH . 'third_party/visa/server_cert.pem'));
$keyData = openssl_pkey_get_details($pub_key);
$publicKey = $keyData['key'];
$ivlen = openssl_cipher_iv_length($cipher="AES-128-GCM");
$iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($ivlen);
$tag = "";
$encrypted = openssl_encrypt ($requestBodyString, $cipher, $publicKey, $options=OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv,$tag);
$hmac = hash_hmac('sha256', $encrypted, $publicKey, $as_binary=true);
$encrypted = base64_encode($encrypted);
$curl = curl_init ();
$headers = (array("Accept: application/json", "Authorization: ".base64_encode("user_id:user_password")));
$absUrl = "https://sandbox.api.visa.com/acs/v1/payments/authorizations";
array_push($headers, "Content-Type: application/json");
$this->timeout = 80;
$this->connectTimeout = 30;
$method = "post";
$userId = "--user_id--";
$password = "user password";
$authString = $userId.":".$password;$authStringBytes = utf8_encode($authString);
$authloginString = base64_encode($authStringBytes);
$authHeader= "Authorization:Basic ".$authloginString;
$header = (array("Accept: application/json", "Content-Type: application/json", $authHeader));
$ch = curl_init();
$opts [CURLOPT_POST] = 1;
$opts [CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = $encrypted;
$opts [CURLOPT_URL] = $absUrl;
$opts [CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT] = $this->connectTimeout;
$opts [CURLOPT_TIMEOUT] = $this->timeout;
$opts [CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER] = $headers;
$opts [CURLOPT_HEADER] = 1;
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);
curl_setopt_array ( $curl, $opts );
$response = curl_exec ( $curl );
$statusCode = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
Hey @virsymcoin,
I'm happy to help you resolve the issue, please provide the following information for us to continue:
1. Endpoint
2. Request Header
3. Request Body
4. Response Header (include the x-correlation-id)
5. Response Body
Using SoapUI, you can find the x-correlation-id in the Raw Tab of the response header.
Visa Payment Processing API...
End Point : https://sandbox.api.visa.com/acs/v1/payments/authorizations
Request Header: "Authorization: ".base64_encode("LIUSUZOJKV3AMMWD20VA21I73zpAUxlw_soVfDnFEPaDuK134:GirIZcE93M8kgXAD0oNKABovCGx6Gds5Bx")
Request Body :
"acctInfo": {
"primryAcctNum": {
"pan": "4111111111111111",
"panExpDt": "2021-12"
"cardAcceptr": {
"clientId": "0123456789012345678901234567893"
"freeFormDescrptnData": "Freeformdata",
"msgIdentfctn": {
"correlatnId": "14bc567d90f23e56a8f045",
"origId": "123451234567890"
"msgTransprtData": "TransportData",
"transctn": {
"eComData": {
"digitalGoods": "true",
"eciCd": "5",
"xid": "EEC4567F90123A5678B0123EA67890D2345678FF"
"localDtTm": "2020-05-06T12:45:22",
"partialAuthInd": "true",
"posData": {
"envrnmnt": "eCom",
"panEntryMode": "OnFile",
"panSrce": "VCIND"
"tranAmt": {
"amt": "123.45",
"numCurrCd": "840"
"tranDesc": "Transactiondescription"
"verfctnData": {
"billngAddr": {
"addrLn": "PO Box 12345",
"postlCd": "12345"
"riskAssessmntData": {
"lowVlExmptn": "true",
"traExmptn": "true",
"trustdMerchntExmptn": "true",
"scpExmptn": "true",
"delgtdAthntctn": "true"
If it is possible, Please check my php code posted at first and provide me correct php code.
I need your help urgently...
Thanks for your reply.
Best Regards.
Hey @virsymcoin,
Thanks for providing this info. I've logged INC9430391 for the engineering team to investigate and someone will get back to you soon.
Hey @virsymcoin - what is the error message you get?
Thanks for sending. I will get back to you soon with more details.
@virsymcoin - can you also share the correlation ID from the error? We are also trying to view it in our logs to see what happened.