Re: VISA API for Loyalty

Regular Visitor

VISA API for Loyalty

Hi there! 

Spot is a analytics and loyalty saas focused in shopping malls and offline stores. We are originally from Brazil, but now expanding to Europe. 
Since part of our data collection come from consumption made in the stores, we need an integration with payments methods. In Brazil it is already taken care, but we are looking for a partnership abroad.
Our demand is exactly: be notified when a customer purchase in the some of the mall's store with date, store identification and value. With this we can provide the loyalty points and the proper analytics.
Someone knows if any VISA APIs can provide such routine? Of course, with the customer allowence. 
Best regards,
Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: VISA API for Loyalty

Hi @RC,


Per your use case, for notification and alerts I would recommend Visa Transaction Controls here -


VTC Overview -

VTC Documentation -

VTC API Reference -


For loyalty and benefits use case, I recommend you to visit this link -

VCES Overview -

VCES Documentation -


VMORC Overview -

VMORC Documentation -


VOP Overview -





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