Visa Checkout - Update Payment Info API


Visa Checkout - Update Payment Info API

I am working to integrate Visa Checkout on our shopping checkout page. I want to understand the usage of Update Payment Info API. I am a bit confused as to "when" and "why" should I use it, and is it mandatory to call it to capture the payment.


Our payment process looks like the following -

  1. Customer selects Visa Checkout to pay, gets redirected to the lightbox and selects a valid payment method to pay
  2. We receive the transaction id in the backend and use it to capture the payment through a third party vendor



Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Visa Checkout - Update Payment Info API

Hey @hemantg,


On the Dashboard screen, click Add New Project to create a new project for Visa Checkout, which must include the Get Payment Data and the Update Payment Information APIs.


Call the Visa Checkout API, Update Payment Info, to update payment information. You typically confirm all transactions by calling the Update Payment Info API.


You can use the Update Payment API to provide Visa Checkout with the status of the transaction and the final payment amounts. Update Payment Information API helps to confirm, and if needed modify, the amounts the consumer specified in the Visa Checkout lightbox for a transaction specified by the callid obtained from the Visa Checkout lightbox. You can Update Payment Info for a consumer transaction if needed, using server side information that you supply.


For example, with Update Payment Info you can up-sell the customer, calculate shipping, apply a discount, and so forth on your confirmation page, and change the amounts as needed using the Update Payment Info request.


You can update multiple order info and/or pay info structures in a single call to the Update Payment API.

For information on the Update Payment API go here -





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Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Visa Checkout - Update Payment Info API

Hey @hemantg,


To follow up, it would be necessary to include the updatepaymentinfo, here are the steps:


Step 1- Visa Checkout button is added in cart page (and/or payment page) using JavaScript. In this moment V.init is started with amount, currency, ApiKey, etc.


Step 2- Merchant will receive the encrypted payment details and decrypt to get full account information. The account information is used to process payments using merchant standard process.


Step 3- Once the order is approved, the merchant needs to send the Update Payment information to Visa. There are two options to do so:


a. Send an API call to update the payment

b. Create a pixel to update Visa Checkout with transaction information

I've attached the guide to follow, and you can start on page 8-1.



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