Re: Getting "statusDescription": "Invalid Group Name" response when trying to us

New Contributor

Getting "statusDescription": "Invalid Group Name" response when trying to use merchant search

I'm attempting to post a merchant search using postman via the  Works fine in sandbox, and HelloWorld test is good in prod, but when I try the request in prod,  I'm getting an "Invalid Group Name" in the response.  I'm not sure what is wrong.  Any ideas?  This is the response I'm getting:


"merchantSearchServiceResponse": {
"header": {
"startIndex": "0",
"messageDateTime": "2023-05-19T14:51:55.055",
"requestMessageId": "d4397ddd-d7ea-42e0-b927-35ec3e23fb55",
"responseMessageId": "19133705-205d-4e66-a3e7-a13269a54d88",
"numRecordsMatched": 0,
"numRecordsReturned": 0
"status": {
"statusCode": "CDI095",
"statusDescription": "Invalid Group Name"
Community Moderator

Re: Getting "statusDescription": "Invalid Group Name" response when trying to us

Hi, @jonrobinson! Thank you for reaching out. An agent is looking into this and will get back to you as soon as possible. Until then, if any community members have information you feel may help, please reply here. 

New Contributor

Re: Getting "statusDescription": "Invalid Group Name" response when trying to us

Thank you for your help!
Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Getting "statusDescription": "Invalid Group Name" response when trying to us

Hi @jonrobinson,


Since you're a Production client, please email the error and let them know what region your from. Our Production Support staff will reach out to you soon. 



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